Chapter 201

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The rest of the journey to find the tablet had been very smooth, except for the little trouble of encountering fervent Queen fans from time to time, the rest of the time was instead the most relaxing and cozy time for An Yinong since entering the game.

"One, two, three ...... eleven. Almost there?" He counted the dozen or so slabs of stone lined up on the beach, all of which were clues brought in by various small animals and plants.

They were on the beach now, the first level of the venue.

And only seven days had passed.

In these seven days they had done nothing but look for the stone tablets to review the history of the ancient bug race out of the home planet, categorize the disasters they had encountered during the apocalyptic period one by one, and guess the intentions of the game party.

This review was mainly a result of An Yinong asking Teina and Qin all the time, and recording it in the little book he carried (which Jiang Hong Cheng had gotten).

Teina knew more because she was interested in ancient history and specialized in it. And Qin knew more because ...... had such a good memory that she hadn't forgotten it after hearing it once.

"Don't say that to anyone else, it's easy to get killed." An Yinong patted Qin's shoulder.

He had already jotted down several simultaneous major events during the Doomsday period in his book.

Any one of these events could have directly extinguished the flame of a civilization, and the fact that they happened during the same time was so coincidental that it made people suspect that it was the 'heavens trying to kill the insect race'.

And under such circumstances, the first superpower to be affected activated the 'Reaper System'.

The so-called Shinigami System was a program that was automatically activated when the country encountered an extinction crisis. After the program was activated, the hundreds of high-energy nuclear bombs stored in this country would be launched directly into the world's dozen superpowers within fifteen minutes.

Well, it was one of those 'since I'm dead, you guys follow along with the funeral' systems.

Unsurprisingly, the nukes that were shot out, and those used by the major powers to intercept them made the disaster even more unmanageable.

A natural disaster plus a man-made disaster, it's not surprising that the insect race became extinct in this way.

The good thing is that not everyone is so heartless, in front of the catastrophe, everyone is still united.

An Yinong also realized that the airships that were made to leave the home planet were not made at the time of the disaster, but three years after the disaster, when the insect race was no longer in existence.

The airship was their last hope, which was why it was also called the Ark of Hope.

"I'm a little worried that the game party won't do anything about the personnel, and that there'll be a wave of ground shaking before we can build the ship."

"No, it won't?" Tina's face held a lot of uncertainty.

"It won't." Qin, however, was certain.

An Yinong was puzzled, "Why?"

"Survival games are meant to be 'exciting', not destructive. Game designers who went in the wrong direction have been sentenced to jail, game designers nowadays shouldn't be so stupid. Besides, you're here."

This reasoning convinced An Yinong and also Tina.

An Yinong decided to 'get drunk today' and relaxed half-heartedly as well, "It's a rare opportunity, let's have a seafood barbecue."

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