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Three Weeks Later

"There she is!" Bayley grinned as she finally met up with Sasha.

It was the first Tuesday of January. Sasha had called Hunter the previous week to let him know who she chose to induct her into the Hall of Fame. It was non other than her best friend, Bayley. Sasha had a hard time picking, but felt that Bayley made the most sense. The two were now in Hartford, Connecticut. They would be going to WWE Headquarters. They had a meeting with Hunter, Stephanie, and Vince about what all would happen and the lead up to announce Sasha's induction.

"Hey Bay! It's so good to see you!" Sasha beamed at her best friend, the two hugging before walking to their rental car.

"You too. It's weird to see you without Hannah." Bayley giggled as Sasha smiled.

"I know, we've been doing everything together since I retired. But she's back home with her grandparents and Mavis." She replied with a smile.

"Well good. I'm sure the two are having a lot of fun. I cannot believe you're about to get inducted!" The tan brunette cheered as they began their drive. They were going to stop for some coffee and breakfast, then heading off to their meeting.

"Dude, I can't believe it either! I seriously didn't think it'd happen so soon. A year after retirement. I thought Hannah would be like, twenty!" She laughed as Bayley couldn't help but chuckle herself.

"Yeah dude, but I'm so proud of you! You deserve this so much." Bayley proudly smiled at her best friend. The two got their coffee and breakfast before heading to their meeting. They were so excited and Sasha was extremely grateful for this honor. She would enjoy every moment of this experience.

You Found Me (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now