you're back. and so are the memories.

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eddie stormed out of the office with anger rushing through his bones. the losers, including richie, followed, upset and angry.

"who the fuck does that?!" eddie exclaimed.

"i can't believe she sent us back to fucking class and didn't give two shits that richie looks the way he does," beverly ranted in anger.

richie walked with his head low, eyes closed and nearly falling over. he limped like crazy, entire body still aching as his head pounded.

"they need to hire someone better," stanley added.

"agreed," beverly mumbled.

they walked for a little longer and richie fell forward again, this time, eddie caught him. with the help of beverly, of course, but they held him up.

"richie, you gotta stay awake," eddie said, holding the boy up.

"i can't.." richie mumbled. the losers exchanged looks, and eddie remembered what ben told them yesterday. told them what he heard.

"should we get the nurse?" beverly suggested. eddie nodded and sat down, unable to hold up two people. himself and richie.

beverly and ben set off to go find the school nurse, stanley and bill crouching with eddie, who held richie in a sitting-hug on the floor.

"what are we gonna d-do?" bill asked eddie, who just stared down at richie.

"i don't know. i don't wanna forgive him. but it kills me that he's not a part of our lives anymore," eddie admitted. stanley and bill nodded.

"that's fair," said stanley.

"what're you guys talkin' about?" richie mumbled, words slurred. eddie, bill, and stanley all three shared looks.

"do you seriously not remember anything?" eddie asked. "or is it an act?"

"why the actual fuck would i be faking this?" richie uttered into eddie's shoulder.

"i.. don't know," eddie sighed. richie lifted his head from eddie's shoulder and kissed eddie, who didn't fight it. bill and stanley watched, sharing smiles with one another.

"thank you," richie whispered, letting his head fall into eddie's neck again.

"for what?" eddie mumbled.

"staying with me through everything. i can't imagine a world with you gone," richie admitted. that just made eddie's entire body flood with guilt.

"yeah. me neither," the boy said, rubbing richie's back.

"what seems to be the issue?" the nurse spoke up once she reached the kids.

"he— richie, got hurt pretty bad and he doesn't remember anything since two weeks ago. we think we might know the cause," beverly explained.

"no, we do know the cause," eddie said. richie looked up at him.

"please don't do this," he begged.

"richie, it's for your own good."

"no.. please," richie begged, tears filling his eyes. eddie's eyebrows furrowed, and he cupped the back of richie's head, bringing it into a hug and placing his chin on top of it.

"i'm sorry. i can't let you live in that house with him anymore," eddie told him.

beverly ended up telling the nurse that it was some guy on the streets while eddie and richie had their own side argument.

"i.. but.. y— we can't get the cops. please, eddie. please," richie begged, hugging eddie tighter, who sighed and closed his eyes.

"okay. i won't. but you need to promise me that if he abuses you again, you're going to tell me," eddie said. richie sighed and nodded.

lost the losers - richie tozier angst. Where stories live. Discover now