ur gonna wish u believed me.

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"bev?" stanley said, causing her to jump.

"what..?" she mumbled.

"are you okay?" he asked. she sighed.

"yeah. i am. just.. kinda upset about the whole richie thing. i find it hard to believe that came out of no where," she said. stanley shrugged.

"it probably hit him that we actually hated him for what he did to eddie. i'm sorry for what he said to you, about your parents and all," stan comforted. beverly offered him a smile.

"it's alright, thanks, stan. i want to know his side of the story, but then again, i don't want to talk to him ever again."

stanley nodded and sucked in a breath. "i understand that. you guys were super close. losing that friendship is really hard. but what he did was awful. he doesn't deserve you."

beverly broke into a large smile and laughed. "aw, thanks, stan!"

"of course, bev," he said, nudging her with his elbow. she smiled for five whole seconds until it dropped as she thought about the situation. he was her best friend? why would he say that?

mikers >>> eddie

mikers: hey, eddie

eddie: yea?

mikers: o yr on

eddie: ..
eddie: fuck off richie

mikers: eddie i swear on the losers i did not say that. listen, i fell asleep in the forest last night since i didn't want to go home because of what happened with my dad yesterday, and somefuckinghow, henry got my phone, and henry fucking texted you. mike and i are over at the bridge where bowers just dropped my phone from and now it's dead and i can't use it. i dont care if you dont believe me (ok thats a lie) but please plssee plase hear me out, eddie, it wasn't me and what fucking henry said was absolutely disgusting.

eddie: so u want me to believe that henry took your phone (without hurting you) and somehow got into it and texted us?

mikers: i don't have a password, idk why he didn't beat the shit out of me, and not only did he text u, he texted my fucking parents. so.

eddie: oh.
eddie: brooo i dont know whst to believe atp

mikers: PLEASE just literally ask mike, he just saw it fucking happen

eddie: how

mikers: bc i almost jumped off of the bridge we're at but that's not the point
mikers: look its been a crazy day

eddie: richie wtf.

mikers: dont "richie wtf" me when you've been treating me the way you have
mikers: sorry
mikers: actually
mikers: no
mikers: im not at all sorry
mikers: u have zero fucking clue what u have put me through these past few days and weeks. so no. idk why im trying to beg for forgiveness from u when one; i didnt do anything, and two; you're a toxic bitch and i'd be better off without u.

eddie: wow, richard.
eddie: i knew you didn't mean your stupid, useless apologies.

mikers: fuck yourself. you stupid ducking bitch i fucki mg jate you, you oniw rhat? fuck you duck tou ducot iu.

eddie: :/. i hate you more, richard tozier.

mikers: i dont think that's possible.

richie shoved mike's phone at him, stood, and walked away.

"w-wait— rich! come back!"

"no, mike. i wanna be alone."

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