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that night richie stayed with eddie, both a bit uncomfortable around one another after knowing what they knew.

richie slept on the floor, not willing to sleep in eddie's bed after everything that went down. he knew better than that to just let eddie think he's forgiven.

as 3:47 AM hit, richie's eyes opened quickly and he had jumped slightly. glancing around, he was glad to see a dark room, one he fell asleep in, and not one from the nightmare he had just then.

richie lied awake, sitting in his thoughts. the more he thought about the past weeks, the angrier he grew. why was he still around eddie? why was he so forgiving to someone that blamed him for something he never did? why was eddie so manipulative?

he grew mad at himself. mad that he would stoop so low as to let someone take advantage of him like that.

'it's stupid,' he thought, 'why do i care so much? he betrayed that trust. he took everything i love, and crushed it between his stupid fucking fingers.'

richie sucked in a breath and wiped his face, getting up and checking the time again.

'5:36 AM'

richie sighed and left eddie's house, lonely as he walked back home. he snuck into his room, got in bed, and started crying. he felt weak.

the next morning, richie left for school with fury, anger that had built up from his thoughts the previous night. he had contacted each and every loser, besides mike and eddie, and told them his side of the story, but told them to not treat eddie any differently and still consider him their best friend.

he just didn't want to be screamed at and hated for what he was about to do.

as richie got to school, he locked his bike in a rack, and looked around for his friends. he only did see eddie, standing at their usual spot on his phone.

'perfect,' richie thought, and walked up to eddie. the brunette looked up from his phone and smiled slightly.

"hi, richie—"


eddie's smile faded into a frown as he heard the sternness of richie's tone. he shoved his phone into his back pocket.


"we need to talk," said the boy, trying to grab eddie's wrist and pull him somewhere more private. eddie just yanked his wrist back.

"uhh, what do you think you're doing?" eddie asked sassily. richie couldn't believe that he could be acting that way after everything.

"don't act all bitchy at me now," richie said defensively. eddie grimaced.

"what is your deal?!"

"you! what you've fucking done to me!"

"richie, stop. do you even want to be friends anymore?! listen to yourself! you keep fucking forgiving me and using me as somebody to help you calm down and someone to talk to, and then screaming at me saying 'no, i don't fucking like you anymore, eddie, i never did, let's stop being friends.' MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"

"I HAVE. you've done NOTHING but manipulate me, and lie to me, and victimize yourself and i'm fucking DONE, YOU REALIZE THAT?! YOU just don't want to hear the truth."

"i haven't lied to you?! i've done nothing!"

"YOU TURNED EVERYONE AGAINST ME! you.. you- manipulated me into thinking i did something wrong! I was the one who did nothing. I WAS," richie cried out, trying to shove his sobs down as his arms flew everywhere.

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