Part 2

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Bonnie POV:

I sat down after a long "scavenger hunt" for any spare parts I could find.

"Nothing again." I admitted talking to myself (a habit I had developed) as I sat there in the dark junk filled room with no food or useful information. I just sat there like always, with my head buried in my knees for some semblance of warmth. Who knows how long I've been down here I keep praying for help, but no one ever comes. I'm giving up hope, all I want is to get out of here. 

I've collected quite a few small Knick knacks an old bowling ball being a favorite, but nothing useful. I looked over at my guitar, all the strings had broken so no fun there. I just stared at the piles of junk until something caught my eye. 

"What's that..?" I whispered to myself as I got up and walked over. I bent down and grabbed a small dirt covered plush. I took one of the only cleaning supplies I had found (some old baby wipes a parent probably lost). I began to wipe the plush down revealing it was a Freddy plush. My crush for years, tho I never worked but the courage to tell him. I couldn't help but smile as I held the toy in my hands remembering all the good times. Oh how I miss him...

"No Bonnie you can't sit here moping." I said to myself as I stared at the plush, with a new found rush of adrenaline and determination I hopped up on my feet plush in hand and a new hope.

"I will find my way home."

Glamrock FronnieWhere stories live. Discover now