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"Non posso credere che tu l'abbia appena fatto!" Luca screamed in Vince's office. He's never been that mad before. For the years that I've known him he's only yelled like that when he was on the phone with his parents. And that was once. It can't be that big of a deal, can it? No one got hurt?

I was sitting on the twirling chair next to Vince's receptionist, which was a girl that looked like she was a few years older than me. She looked like a model with flowy blonde hair and big green eyes. I forgot her name already, but was too embarrassed to ask since she knew mine without even needing to ask. It started with a S... I think. No M...

I don't know. I'll have to ask Vince later.

The desk was at a big circle in the center of the room, with a bunch of cute gold desk things that she used to decorate. "Here I got you some coffee and a Danish." She said handing me the food and drink. "Thank you so much." I smiled cheerfully taking a sip from the hot liquid, I nodded my head in satisfaction it was sweet just how I liked it. "I'm sorry they're yelling it's probably distracting," I said apologetically taking the cap off of the coffee so that it could cool down a bit.

"No don't worry about it for once Mr. Moretti isn't yelling." She smiled taking a sip from her own tea in a cat mug. I hummed slightly.

Not surprised.

This time Vince wasn't yelling, I couldn't even hear him. It just sounded like he was just letting Luca scream at him. I could just picture his face annoyed as he probably continued with his work typing quickly on his keyboard and signing a thick stack of papers. I wonder if he's ever gotten a paper cut. Probably not.

"I have a sweatshirt if you want to wear that instead. You might get uncomfortable with wearing that." I was still wearing Vince's suit jacket and I pulled the sleeves up so that I could eat properly but I was still worried about getting it dirty or stained, it felt too expensive for I to mess up. His suit jacket is really warm and cozy, but it looked ridiculous and I didn't want to get weird stares especially in Vince's building. I already got bewildered looks as I was being dragged by Vince away from Luca in the foyer as Luca screamed like a maniac, his voice echoing loudly following behind us and into the elevator.

"That would be amazing, thanks." She nodding before reaching a pressing a button and clothing rack popped out of the drawer with extra outfits, jackets, and sweatshirts. She reached in pulling out a sage green sweatshirt with small embroidered white daisies on it. I slipped Vince's jacket off hanging it behind my chair and pulling the sweatshirt over my head, it was warm and cozy and smelled like strawberries.

"What are you working on?" I asked peaking over her shoulder.

"Some scheduling stuff." She said turning her screen slightly so that I could see better.

"oh... Can I help?" I really don't want to sit here and do nothing. I have homework but I don't want to do it.

"Actually I just printed something, do you want to go get it?"

I nodded my head quickly, "Of course."

She grabbed a pink sticky note from the side of her desk and a pen from her drawer writing in a perfect cursive 'floor 67 room 67890(on the left) printer 8 <3'

"Okay so it's on the 67th floor and that floor has a dunkin to the left, right when you walk out of the elevator, that's how you know it's the correct one. Then make a left and another left at the weird tree thing and there is a printing room." Of course there's another tree.

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