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"Where's Luca?" I asked watching the trees past outside.

"He's going to be late," Vince said typing on his phone with one hand, his other rested on my thigh rubbing. I stared out the window looking at the cool trees. 

"Oh... is he okay?" I turned. Why isn't he here yet? He left before us didn't he?

"Yea hes fine"



"You know what you need to do," Vince said in his no bullshit voice before cutting out of the line.

blah blah blah pew pew. That's my plan. No need to over complicate things.

"We're here to scope not fuck around," Gio scolded us.

"You can't just look at a fluffy cow and not fucking pet it." I said easily hopping the fence, luckily it wasn't an electric one. I swatted a bug that was annoyingly flying around my face for the hundredth time. It was so hot, I was def not prepared for this. I was not in the mood to sweat and be sticky. I wasn't meant for this life. I was meant to lay on a beach all day and tan and be gorgeous, not dodge mosquitos in the fucking Spaniard countryside. And we were no where near anything. We were in the middle of no where with farm animals and grass for as far as I can see. Granted I love the animals, they were adorable. But I was expecting beach...

"Gio look at it!!" Val squealed hopping the fence after me.

"Get down!" Stefano yelled into our ear pieces and I immediately dropped to the floor as a bullet can wizzing past where I would have been.


"What the fuck was that," Val said wide eyed looking at the bullet.

"It was drone," Stef said "I'm blocking the signals right now, but stop fucking around and get the mission done, before you fucking fail again."

"I've never failed a fucking single mission," Gio scoffed walking away from us and keeping to the tall grass advancing down the dirt road, "it was those fucking idiots."

"looooossserrrr. borrrringgggg. absolutely no fun. Maybe you should try being more happy."

He lined up his shot before shooting the drone down. I bent down walking quickly to where the drone had fallen it had a shield, with a scorpion and that was a symbol of the Spanish mob. We're close. I quickly ran and pet the cow before jumping back over the fence and ducking down.

"Can you stop with the fucking cows," Marco scowled us now.

"take a chill pill," Val said petting the cow then hopping back over the fence.

"This grass is so fucking itchyyyy," Stel groaned scratching her legs, she had the terrible decision of wearing shorts and a tank top.

"Advance and stop messing around," Gio said I could see his figure 100 feet in front of us, "I see the house. About 30 guards outside, I see about 10 inside around the windows. Stay hidden, no not engage in combat."

Oop. Time to lock in.

I brought my shades down, you would think I would have put some of the zoom glasses on but no. I'd rather go for fashion than usability.

I sprinted past Gio and Marco in front of me ducking behind a truck and stuck a bomb to the bottom of it that would blow up when I pressed a button on my watch

"Well that wasn't the fucking plan," Stef groaned into the ear piece.

Val ran up behind me following me as I grabbed one of the guards, I threw him to Stel not wanting to deal with people. I only do cool shit like bombs not killing people. I'm not a killer, obviously.

"We are supposed to lay low! Not fucking kill people Stella!" Gio yelled at her through the ear piece.

"Oh, I was a little confused about that." Stel laughed from next to me.

"Can someone who's not me open the door, I don't wanna." Val said standing wide open in front of the door with no cover. I wanted to laugh. She's so real for that, she wasn't wearing proper shoes to kick open a door, and so was I with my open toes sandals.

I aimed my gun at the lock and shooting it twice for good measure before Val went in followed by Marco right after her.

"Lay fucking low." Stef said again, I knew he was glad he was not here right now, and I'm jealous that he wasn't. He's probably laying on a fucking yacht tanning while I'm fucking stuck here in this shit hole in the middle of fucking no where. It actually was a nice house, the horses and cows that they had were so cute, but horrible fucking people make everything shit.

"Let's take care of the outside while they do the inside," I said to Stel ducking down heading to the back of the house placing the sticky camera's in every single crevice, while dodging the guards that I could and shooting the other ones. We weren't trying to clear them out today. We were just trying to place these so that we can gather more information so that when we come back for them we can truly tear them from limb to limb and take everything. They won't be alive to see it... or maybe they will. Maybe they will live a long life decapitated and attached to wires forced to watch their world go up in flames around them.

"We should sing a song"

"I'm not in the song singing mood," I said as I gave Stel a lift as she attached a sticky camera to the corner of a window sill.

"Why not,"

"Where the fuck is Aless,"

"Did he fucking ditch us?"


"NO. FUCKING. WAY." Me and Still screamed as we looked at each other.

"Alessandro!" I screamed into the ear piece.

"Guys... you should come see this." He said his voice even, too even.


lil mini chapter

2 in one day????

i am author

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now