Digletts Cave

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Chapter 7
Steven walks along the path through Route 2 just outside of Viridian forest heading East as he faces a wooden fence with a cave behind it
Steven - "well MissingNo said this is where I should train with Miki"
Steven enters through a gap through the wooden fence as he faces the cave
Steven - "well here's goes nothing"
Steven holds out Mikis Pokeball as He sends her out from her Pokeball
Miki - Charmander!"
Mikis' internal voice - "what's going on?"
Steven smiles as he faces the entrance of the cave
Steven - "you really to start our training Miki?"
Miki looks up at Steven as she gives off a confidence smirk
Miki nods
Miki - "Charmander Charlie"
Mikis internal voice - "I'll do my best"
Steven rushes inside as Miki follows him as it appears empty and dark
Steven - "I can't see a thing.."
The fire on Mikis tail makes it bright enough for Steven to see his surroundings
Steven - "thanks Miki"
Miki - "Char Charmander!"
Mikis' internal voice - "no problem!"
Miki leads Steven throughout the cave as Steven finds a old lantern
Steven - "hey I have a idea"
Steven turns to Miki as he holds out the lantern
Steven - "Miki use ember!"
Miki sighs as she uses a weak ember on the lantern, as it lights up the surrounding area, as Steven can finally see
Steven - "finally I can see now"
Something in the darkness with two beady black eyes and a large, round, pink nose cries out to Steven
Diglett - "Diglett Dig!"
Steven - "what the..?"
Diglett - "Diglett Dig!"
Steven - "what's a Diglett?"
Miki - "Charmander Charlie"
Mikis internal voice - "I have no idea"
Another Diglett pops up from the ground looking up at Steven and Miki
Diglett - "Diglett Dig!"
Steven - "another one?"
Multiple Diglett begin to pop up from the ground one by one, until Steven and Miki are surrounded by Diglett
Horde of Diglett - "Diglett Dig"
Steven - "are they coming to greet us?"
The ground beneath Stevens feet begins to shake as three heads pop up from the ground with black beady eyes and a big round nose as it stares at Steven and Miki, as it cries out challenging Steven to a battle
Dugtrio - "Dugtrio trio trio!"
Steven adjusts his hat as he sighs
Steven - "look I appreciate the challenge, but Miki just got out of the Pokemon Center so I was thinking about training with weaker Pokemon"
The Dugtrio begins to look aggravated by Steven not accepting it's challenge to fight as Steven sighs and turns to exit the cave
Steven - "I felt the power behind that earthquake and the last time, I tried to challenge something out of my league I regretted it…you just aren't strong enough Miki come on.."
Miki turns looking shocked by Steven not accepting the Dugtrios challenge
Miki - "Char Charmander!"
Mikis' internal voice - "You aren't going to fight?"
Steven continues walking heading towards the exit as Miki cries out to him
Miki - "Char Charmander Char!!!"
Mikis' internal voice - "I refuse to leave!"
Steven stops then turns back facing Miki
Miki - "Charmander Char Charmander!!!"
Mikis' internal voice - "who are you to tell me what my limits are!"
Miki puts her palm on her chest as she makes a fist with it
Miki - "Charmander Char Charmander Charmander!!!"
Mikis' internal voice - "you might want to run away and take the easy way out, but I refuse!!!"
Miki stares at the Horde of Diglett and  their leader Dugtrio as it roars out a mighty cry as Steven looks shocked
Miki - "Charmander Char Charmander"
Mikis' internal voice - "You want a challenge then fine, you bunch of Sausage faced assholes!"
Dugtrio cries out to the Horde Diglett telling them to attack, as they throw balls of mud at Miki using the move Mud Slap, after the attack she stands right back up as Steven watches
Miki - "Charmander char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "is that the best you got!"
Miki returns the attack with a Growl as the Diglett try to use Mud Slap again, as Miki gets hit multiple times as she is still standing
Miki - "Charmander Charmander Char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "Come on show me what you guys can really do I'm just getting started!"
Dugtrio looks as it calls to the Horde of Diglett to attack all at once, as they all use the move Bulldoze as the ground begins to shake with rocks from on top of the cave begin to fall landing on the ground, as Miki  dodges the rocks
Steven - "Miki…"
One of the Digletts use the move Slash as Miki counters it with the move Scratch, as her attack gets completely overpowered with the force behind the attack being so strong, Mikis body gets launched at the caves wall
Steven - "Miki!!"
Steven rushes towards Miki
Miki - "Char Char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "Stay away!"
Miki stands up as her eyes begin to glow a bright red and the flame on the end of its tail grows to a massive size burning wildly in multiple directions
Miki - "Charmander Char Charmander!"
Mikis' internal voice - "I Refuse To Lose today! "
Miki then releases a giant Ember that creates a smoke cloud that surrounds the entire cave that blows back at Stevens face
Steven - "Miki!!!"
Steven pushes through the smoke as he watches as exactly 50 Diglett appear fainted due to the power behind Mikis Ember, as the leader Dugtrio looks in shock
Dugtrio - "..dugtrio..trio..trio.."
Steven - "oh wow, you activated your Blaze again..oh fuck.."
Miki looks exhausted as she looks up at Steven as her Blaze deactivates
Dugtrio - "Dugtrio trio trio"
Dugtrios internal voice - "the next time we meet I will have my revenge for my fallen comrades"
Dugtrio retreats into the ground as the ground shakes from under Stevens feet
Steven - "what's that!"
Rocks begin to fall from the caves ceiling as one big boulder heads towards Miki, as she lays on the ground not having the strength to stand
Miki - "Char Char"
Mikis' internal voice - "is this the end?"
Mikis thinks back to when she met Steven
Miki - "Char Char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "he was so happy"
Mikis smiles
Miki - "Charmander Char Charmander"
Mikis' internal voice - "maybe this is for the best, all trainers care about is the strength of their Pokemon, I hope he finds a stronger and better Pokemon than me.."
Mikis closes her eyes as the sound of boulder breaking can be heard
Miki - "Char?"
Mikis' internal voice - "huh?"
Miki opens her eyes as she looks up at Steven with him being hunched over protecting Miki with his body, as Steven looks down at her
Steven - "so far on my journey you've given me your strength, for once let me protect you by giving you mine"
Steven picks up Miki and he begins to limp away from the incoming rocks coming for him and Miki, as Miki stays quiet shocked by Steven actions
The entrance to the cave that they entered through is blocked off by giant rocks that fell from the ceiling as Stevens eyes widen
Steven - "there's no way out.."
Steven places Miki on the ground beside him, as he picks up a fallen rock and repeating hits the giant rocks blocking off the exit as Miki watches, hit after hit Steven continues hitting boulder not even getting a scratch off as hours go back with the pair being trapped inside the cave, Steven exhausted drops to his knees and sits next to Miki as he turns to face her
Steven - "..."
Miki - "..."
A short silence happens between the two happens as Steven smiles and begins talking
Steven - "have I ever told you why I even want to go on this journey?"
Miki looks at Steven with a confused look
Steven - "I want to beat the Elite 4 and become the strongest trainer in Kanto, the champion…but I'm not strong enough or smart enough to make the right decisions…"
A few tears fall from Stevens face as Miki watches
Steven - "my mistakes got you hurt because of me….im sorry Miki and your trapped in here because of me"
Steven sighs after standing up
Steven - "so I've decided even if I die, I promise to make sure you get out of here alive!"
Steven grabs the rock from before as he again and again it's the boulder blocking the entrance just as he did before, another hour goes by as Steven starts to feel tired and weak as he falls to his knees, as Miki jumps to her feet and using her tiny body catches Steven and struggles hold up his body, Miki lays Steven down gently as she faces the her trainer struggled to break as she begins using Scratch repeatedly not getting a mark off on the boulder, another hour passes with Steven waking up as he watches Miki trying to break the boulder
Steven - "Miki.."
Miki attack after attack can't seem to put even a single mark on the boulder, as she falls to her knees as she tries to force herself back up
Steven - "Miki.."
Steven grabs the red chain around his neck in frustration with him being too tired to stand up himself, as Miki cries out to Steven
Miki - "Charmander char!"
As Miki cries out his eyes turn from his normal dark brown to a fiery red shade, with him for the first time being able to understand what Miki says
Mikis' internal voice - "if I can't even protect my trainers dream then my place in life means nothing! "
Steven "..."
Miki - "Charmander char Charmander!"
Mikis' internal voice - "I'm pathetic, I'm not strong enough I know that"
Stevens eyes widen as Miki speaks to him with tears in his eyes
Miki - "Charmander char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "Steven! I'm sorry for disappointing you and making you worry about me! I know you need the strongest Pokemon in all of Kanto, I've let you down..please forgive me"
Steven - "Miki…no that's not.."
Miki coughs out loudly as she finally stands on her legs using all the willpower she has left inside her tiny exhausted body, as her mouth opens and she begins to speak
Miki - "I solemnly swear from this moment forward that I will never lose again…until the day comes when the fire on my tail goes out I will never, never be defeated. Is that okay? Champion of Kanto!!!"
Steven - "..."
Stevens cocky smile returns to his face after Miki words
Steven - "of course it is!!!"
Miki face pauses as she turns back shocked, realizing her understood her without saying anything Miki just smiles, as the pair share a moment together, Miki after feeling good more determined than before as her claws began to glow and have a metallic look to them, as she uses Metal Claw with the attack being strong enough to break the boulders blocking the path as Steven watches in amazement
Steven - "Miki that was amazing you learned a new move!"
Steven and Miki begin to head out of Diglett's cave, as being injured and exhausted they finally give in and pass out on Route 2 the pair smiles laying beside one another, as their journey continues
Chapters end

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