Slow Start

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Chapter 3
Steven and Holly walk through Viridian City, as Holly leads Steven into the Pokemart, as they enter inside
Steven - "what are we even doing here Holls?"
Holly - "we need to enter Viridian Forest to get to Pewter"
Steven - "that doesn't answer my question"
Holly sighs
Holly - "supplies Steven, what you think you think we can just go willy nilly around a forest with poisonous bug Pokemon?"
Steven - "in case you've forgotten basic type matchups Fire beats Bug, so yeah I think it'll be fine"
Holly purchases enough Repels for both her and Steven that should last them through Viridian Forest, she hands Steven the Repels she bought him
Holly - "here use them doofus"
Steven accepts the repels and places them into his bag
Steven - "fine, but can we go know Mike is probably already in Pewter already"
Holly - "you need to relax, you boys and your competitive bullshit I swear"
Steven waits irritably as Holly finishes purchasing her items, as much time has passed
Holly - "okay we can leave now"
Steven - "finally fuck"
Steven and Holly step outside the Pokemart, as it is now Nightfall
Steven - "It's night!"
Holly - "guess we are in there longer than I thought"
Steven - "oh so now you noticed"
Holly - "you need to relax Steven we just started our journeys there isn't a need to rush, if we run unprepared nasty shit can happen"
Steven grumbles
Holly - "well we can't enter Viridian Forest at night"
Steven - "why not, what's stopping us?"
Holly - "how do you expect to see?"
Steven smirks and hold out Mikis PokeBall, as Holly just stares
Holly - "no"
Steven - "come on Holls where's your sense of adventure"
Holly - "you want to turn Miki into your own personal Flashlight be my guest, but I'm telling you Steven going into that shady forest at night is not a good idea, we might as well wait until morning"
Steven - "but we're gonna be really behind Holls"
Holly - "again it's not a race"
Steven sighs
Steven - "whatever we'll just go tomorrow morning"
Holly smiles
Holly - "that's more like it"
Holly grabs Stevens arm as she leads him to the Pokemon Center, as they enter inside Holly approaches Nurse Joy
Holly - "can we have two rooms for tonight?"
Nurse Joy sighs
Nurse Joy - "I'm sorry we only have one"
Holly - "Wait come on we can't share a room"
Nurse Joy - "then I'm sorry we can't help you the hun"
Steven sighs
Steven - "why don't you take the room and I'll just continue on"
Holly sighs then nervously clenches Steven arm
Holly - "please stay with me?"
Steven - "..."
Holly - "I don't want my first night alone out here.."
Steven - "fine.."
Holly - "Nurse Joy how many beds are available in the room?"
Nurse Joy - "One"
Holly - "..."
Steven - "guess we'll take it then"
Holly with a flustered look on her face
Holly - "Steven that's.."
Nurse Joy - "alright then here's the key to your room"
Steven - "thanks Nurse Joy"
Holly - "Steven…"
Steven pulls on Holly's arm and leads the two into the room
Holly silently having a existential crisis, as Steven leads her into there Room
Steven - "you okay Holls?"
Holly nods her head nervously
Holly "Mhm hmm never better!"
Steven - "fucking weirdo.."
Holly stands nervously pressing her fingers together
Holly - "so so who's sleeping in the bed?"
Steven - "you are"
Holly has a shocked reaction
Holly - "wha.."
Steven - "aren't you the one who wanted to stay here?"
Holly - "well yeah.."
Steven - "then you get the bed"
Holly - "but I thought we were….uh"
Steven - "what?"
Holly - "nothing..its nothing"
Holly's internal voice - "I feel so stupid right now.."
Holly - "I'm going to just use the bathroom for a second"
Steven - "I'm going to bed then"
Holly - "where?"
Steven lays on the floor and places his hat over his eyes
Holly - "oh I see"
Holly enters the bathroom and stares at the mirror, she takes off her bandana letting her hair down, as she just stares at the mirror
Holly - "I'm alone with a boy, on my first night of being a Pokemon Trainer, I can handle this I am after all the World's leading Pokemon Professors Daughter"
Holly sighs
Holly - "it's just a boy I can handle this it's not like..i like him or anything"
Holly turns on the sink and splashes some water in her face
Holly - "right?.."
Holly opens the bathroom door and peaks her head out, as Steven is fast asleep on the floor
Holly - "cute.."
Holly's face turns red
Holly carefully steps over Steven quietly to not wake him up, then crawls into bed
Holly's internal voice - "maybe I should test my strength against him tomorrow"
Holly has a confidence smirk on her face
Holly internal voice - "yeah that sounds like a good idea"
Holly places her head on the pillow of the bed then falls asleep
The following morning Holly begins to wake up as she opens her eyes she sees Stevens face mere inches away from her, she nervously punches him as she gets up
Steven - "ow what the fuck Holls was that for!"
Steven grabs his face, as Holly looks at him clearly pissed off
Holly - "you scared me, fuck man don't just stare at someone while they sleep"
Steven - "I was just seeing if you were awake asshole"
Holly - "you still didn't have to scare me like that"
Steven - "fuck fine sorry jeez"
Holly gets out of bed and enters the bathroom, she looks in the mirror and ties her hair with her bandana then exits the bathroom and joins up with Steven
Steven - "really to go?"
Holly - "yeah"
Steven and Holly exit the Pokemon Center and walk through viridian city, they both enter Route 2 as Holly stops and holds out a PokeBall, Steven then stops and turns to face her
Holly - "Steven I've been thinking and I challenge you to a battle"
Steven smirks
Steven - "you sure Holls"
Steven holds out Mikis PokeBall
Steven - "because I'll wipe the floor with you"
Holly - "we'll see about that!"
Holly sends out her Bulbasaur, as Steven sends out Miki
Holly's Bulbasaur - "Bulbasaur!"
Miki - "Charmander Char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "I don't plan on losing to this overgrown brussels sprout!"
Holly's Bulbasaur took offense to Mikis  comment
Holly's Bulbasaur - "Bulbasaur!"
Steven smirks as the battle begins their adventure continues 

Chapters end

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