Mike vs Holly

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Chapter 8
Meanwhile Mike and Holly walk from Route 3 heading into Route 4 the entrance of Mt Moon
Holly - "So what did you do while you were in Pewter?"
Mike - "I challenged the Gym leaders there and got his badge also picked up some more supplies like potions and stuff"
Holly has a shocked expression on her face
Holly - "you defeated the gym leader!"
Mike - "yeah"
Holly - "Mike that's a huge deal!!"
Mike - "it was pretty easy"
Holly - "..."
Holly has a confused look on her face
Holly - "pretty easy!?"
Mike - "yeah Kaizo took them out without any real issues, the Gym typing was Rock so his Water typing came in really handy"
Holly - "oh that actually makes sense"
Mike - "I just hope Steven can handle it…with Mikis fire typing I don't think he'll have much of a chance"
Hollys face turns bright red
Holly - "of course he can handle it!"
Mike - "I don't know maybe with some training yeah, but in reality Miki isn't meant to fight those type of Pokemon"
Holly grinds her teeth as the red on her face fades, as she smirks looking at Mike
Holly - "maybe we should battle"
Mike - "woah! woah!! wait!!! That was random, shouldn't we prepare or something first!"
Holly - "nah there's nothing we need to worry about, what's wrong with having a battle between friends"
Holly sends out her Bulbasaur, as it cries out
Bulbasaur - "Bulbasaur!"
Mike - "alright then"
Mike sends out Kaizo from it's Pokeball
Kaizo - "Squirtle!"
Mike - "Okay Kaizo let's start this with a Withdraw!"
Holly - "don't let these guys get the upper hand use Vine Whip!"
Kaizo uses Withdraw as Kaizo pulls all its limbs into its shell for protection as Holly's Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip as two dark green vines come out of the sides of Bulbasaur's bulb, as repeatedly hit Kaizos shell not doing any damage
Holly - "it won't come out of its shell…"
Holly quickly thinks of a solution as she calls out her Bulbasaurs next attack
Holly - "Quick use Leech Seed!"
Holly's Bulbasaur uses Leech Seed as a seed sprouts from Holly's Bulbasaur's bulb, which shoots out towards Kaizo landing with its shell, as it becomes wrapped in thin vines as they glow red sucking energy from Kaizo slowly
Mike - "Kaizo use Rapid Spin!"
Kaizo uses Rapid Spin as its shell spins like a disk cutting through the vines made by the Leech Seed as it slams into Holly's Bulbasaur doing massive damage
Holly - "oh wow I see you guys have been training hard"
Mike has a smug look on his face
Mike - "yeah ever since me and Kaizo made it through Viridian Forest, we've been working on our attack power a lot"
Holly - "let's finish this Bulbasaur use Tackle!"
Mike - "Kaizo, let's show them the result of our training use Water Gun!"
Holly's Bulbasaur uses Tackle as it slams into Kaizo, as Kaizo uses a powerful Water Gun as it releases a spiral of water from its mouth, as the power from the power blast of water knocks out Holly's Bulbasaur
Holly - "…woah"
Holly without saying a word returns her Bulbasaur to its Pokeball, she quickly puts on a smile
Holly - "first Steven now you also defeated Mike"
Mike - "guess all that training payed off huh"
Mike returns Kaizo to its Pokeball
Mike - "a friend told me about a Pokemon Center before the cave"
Holly - "friend? What friend?"
Mike - "a friend I made while I was in Pewter city, his name is Quartz and he's the son of Bruno of the Elite 4"
Holly - "woah…"
Mike - "after I collect some of the badges, he said he would train with me"
Holly - "that's amazing Mike, maybe he'll hel train Steven too"
Mike - "yeah Bruno is a great guy, looks a little scary but he has a good heart"
Mike and Holly share a smile as they head towards the Pokemon Center outside of Mt Moon, once inside they walk up to Nurse Joy as she stands at a counter waiting for people
Nurse Joy smiles at the pair
Nurse Joy - "welcome, how can I help you two?"
Mike and Holly hold out their PokeBalls
Holly - "we just had a battle so can you heal our Pokemon?"
Nurse Joy - "of course"
Nurse Joy takes both Pokeballs
Nurse Joy - "I'll return them shortly"
Mike and Holly wait patiently for an hour as Nurse Joy returns with their PokeBalls
Nurse Joy - "here you both go"
Mike - "thanks Nurse Joy!"
Mike and Holly exit the Pokemon Center as they return to Route 4, as a lone Pidgey is resting on the ground catching the attention of Mike
Mikes internal voice - "a Pidgey and it's distracted maybe I can catch it"
Mike in a instant quickly pulls out a Pokeball, as he chucks it towards the unexpecting Pidgey with it going inside the Pokeball, it shakes three times as it becomes caught
Mike - "yes!"
Mike raises his fist celebrating the capture of his first Pokemon
Mike - "finally I have caught a Pokemon!"
Holly - "congratulations but it's not like it put up much of a fight"
Mike - "oh that doesn't matter because I'm just happy to have another Pokemon"
Mike calls out his Pidgey as it stands perched on his arm
Mike - "I think I'll call you…uh"
Mike thinks of a Nickname for a moment as he quickly comes up with a idea
Mike - "I'll call you Scout"
Scout - "Pidgey!"
Mike recalls Scout to it's Pokeball as he faces the entrance to Mt Moon
Mike - "Ready Holly, I heard this cave was tough from Bruno?"
Holly - "of course I'm ready"
Holly looks back thinking of Steven
Hollys internal voice - "good luck Steven.."
Mike and Holly enter Mt Moon as their journey continues

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