Steven Vs Flint

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Chapter 10
The Next Day, Steven gets out of the Hospital Bed as he looks out the window staring at the bright blue sky
Steven - "it's a new dawn, a new day, and I'm feeling good!"
Steven exits the Room, as he walks towards the Pokemon Centers counter with Nurse Joy behind it as she wants for him
Nurse Joy - "You're Steven right?"
Steven - "yeah that's me"
Nurse Joy - "here is your Charmander"
Nurse Joy hands Steven Mikis Pokeball
Steven - "oh thanks"
Nurse Joy - "good luck today on your travels and make sure to stay safe"
Steven - "will do"
Steven exits the Pokemon Center as he walks through Pewter City, as he stops while holding out Mikis Pokeball
Steven - "will win against this Gym Leader, like how strong can he be"
Steven stands in front of the Pewter Gyms entrance, as on the left Quartz sits with a smirk on his face and on the right a child with spiky dark kournikova hair, he also appears to have his eyes closed
Quartz - "good luck in there you hear?"
Steven - "thanks"
Steven notices the child
Steven - "who's this?"
Quartz - "that's Brock my younger cousin, he's the son of the Gym leader"
Steven - "oh wow the Gym leaders son"
Brock - "yeah and I'm sure my dad will defeat you easily"
Steven - "what makes you say that?"
Brock - "he's defeated many trainers before, what's another rookie?"
Steven smirks as Brock looks confused
Steven - "will see about that"
Steven enters the Gym as the ground is made out of a rocky terrain Steven walks through it, a lone man stands waiting
Flint - "are you Steven?"
Steven - "yeah that's me?"
Flint - "my brother Bruno told me about you, are you here to challenge me?"
Steven holds out Mikis Pokeball as Flint holds out one of his Pokeballs
Steven - "Go Miki!"
Flint - "Go Geodude!"
Miki cries out towards Geodude
Miki - "Charmander Char!"
Mikis' internal voice - "Bring it on!"
Geodude - "Geodude!"
Flint - "let's start this off with a Rock Throw!"
Steven - "Counter that with an Ember!"
Miki uses Ember as she releases a strong fireball attack at Geodude, while Geodude uses Rock Throw and releases circular multi-colored waves from its body, white orbs of aura appear in front of itself, before rocks form inside the orbs, leaving a white glow around the rocks. It then shoots the rocks towards the Ember attack with both attacks collide into one another with both attacks power being about even
Steven - "use Scratch Miki!"
Miki uses Scratch as after swiping it a few times no visible damage is done
Flint - "Geodude use Magnitude!"
Geodude uses a Magnitude 10,as it becomes outlined in a brown aura, It then jumps into the air and stomps on the ground, creating an earthquake, The move's power varies with each usage doing massive damage to Miki as she struggles to stand
Miki - "Charmander char.."
Mikis' internal voice - "what power.."
Steven - "..."
Steven smirks
Steven - "Miki use Metal Claw!"
Flint - "use Tackle!"
Geodude slams its body against Mikis already hurt and tired body as Miki uses Metal Claw, she continues strikes Geodude again and again until Geodude stops it's Tackle attack
Flint - "wait.."
Geodude is fainted as Miki pushes it's body off her
Flint - "impressive.."
Flint recalls his Geodude to it's Pokeball as he stares at Steven, while Steven smirks proud of his win
Flint holds out another Pokeball as he sends out a Rhyhorn as it cries out
Rhyhorn - "Rhyhorn!!"
Flint - "Rhyhorn use Horn Attack!"
Steven - "Miki counter it with Metal Claw!"
Flints Rhyhorn charges towards Miki as it uses Horn Attack while Miki uses Metal Claw, as the two attacks clash with the power behind both being about even, as Miki blocks Rhyhorns Horn Attack with her left claw, as it leaves her right claw open to use another Metal Claw, she strikes against the side of its body doing massive damage with Flints Rhyhorn backing away from Miki
Flint - "alright Rhyhorn use Rock Blast"
Steven - "Miki quick use Ember"
Miki uses Ember,as spits out a massive Fireball,Rhyhorn uses Rock Blast, as its horn glows white and silver energy gathers in front of it, forming into a silver rock, Rhyhorn then fires the rock at Mikis Ember with both attacks colliding being about even in power
Flint's internal voice - "Incredible his Charmander is still able to keep up with my Pokemon, even rival them in power.."
Flint smiles
Flint's internal voice - "I haven't enjoyed batting like this in so long…it's kinda niced*
Steven - "Miki finish it off use Metal Claw!"
Flint - "quick Rhyhorn use Rock Climb!"
Rhyhorn uses Rock Climb as its claws glow white and then grow longer, It then gets onto its hind legs and slams its front ones into the ground, The ground separates and protrudes from the ground under Miki. Rhyhorn then runs up the side of the protruded ground and slams onto Miki, as Miki uses Metal Claw blocking Rhyhorns attack as a huge dust cloud forms hiding what happened in the battle
Steven - "Miki!"
As the dust settles Miki holds on to its shoulder, as Flints Rhyhorn is revealed to be fainted giving another win to Steven
Flint - "I see.."
Flint smiles as he recalls his Rhyhorn
Flint - "Hey Steven!"
Steven - "huh?"
Flint holds out his final Pokeball as he sends out an Onix with it roaring out,
Flints Onix - "Onix!!!"
Flint - "Onix let's finish this use Rock Tomb"
Onix uses Rock Tomb as it becomes outlined in white energy and raises its head, Multiple gray rocks outlined in white energy then form around its head in the shape of a ring, The glow around Onix then fades, causing the rocks to fall down at Miki doing massive damage, there's noticeable blood seen on Miki due from all the damage she took from Onixs attack
Steven - "Miki you okay!"
Flint smirks
Flint - "Return your Charmander to its Pokeball, it's finished"
Miki after hearing Flint becomes furious as the flame on her tail begins to grow
Miki - "Charmander char!!!"
Mikis' internal voice - "We're finished when I say we're finished!!!"

Mikis' eyes glow red, as the flame glows bright orange then grows to a massive size, Its body also becomes surrounded by a fiery aura
Steven - "..."
Steven adjusts his hat, as the power of the Aura surrounding Miki blows large gusts of wind towards Steven, as his long hair blows in all different directions, while he grips onto the Red Chain, his eyes turn a Blood Red as his smile becomes disturbing and his voice begins to have a different tone coming from it

Steven - " M͔̻͈ͫͥ̎̆ͭ̀̈́ͮi̙͊̐́͑̌ͫ̇̚͞ki̙̟̟̳͊̐́͑̌ͫ̇̚͞ en̷̛̩̲̟͖͓̙̾ͮ̌̂̊͜d thi̶̠̼̓̏̄̅ͩ̓͌͘s wi̶̠̼̓̏̄̅ͩ̓͌͘th an̷̛̾ͮ̌̂̊
Miki using Ember as she spits out a massive fireball at Flints Onix as it's giant body falls to the gyms ground with a large tremor, Onix lays fainted on the gyms floor giving Steven the win, Steven takes his hand off the Red Chain, as his eyes and voice reverts back to normal
Stevens' internal voice - "what the hell was that.."
Steven notices Onix fainted as he realizing he won
Steven - "I won?....I won!"
Steven quickly rushes over to Miki as her Blaze is deactivated with her sitting trying everything to stay awake for her trainer, as she looks up at Steven
Steven - "you did great Miki"
Steven knees down to Miki and gives her a hug, as Miki pauses for a minute then smiles
Miki - "Charmander char"
Mikis' internal voice - "this is nice….hurts but it's nice.."
Steven stands up holding Miki, as Flint recalls his Onix as he walks over to Steven
Flint - "you did amazingly Steven, here you go"
Flint holds out the Boulder Badge as he hands it to Steven
Steven - "what's this?"
Flint - "this is the Boulder badge, only a very few people actually have Gyms badges"
Steven - "oh thank you then"
Flint - "good luck on your journey"
Steven smiles, as he begins to walk out of the Gym, Steven notices that Quartz and Brock watched the whole battle standing in front of the exit
Steven - "oh you guys watched huh"
Brock - "you actually beat my dad……you must be pretty strong, one day we have to battle too"
Steven - "of course, one day we will"
Quartz - "walk with me out"
Steven looks confused
Steven - "okay?"
Quartz leads Steven out of Pewter City Gym as Bruno waits outside for them both
Bruno - "So how was your Gym Battle?"
Steven shows Bruno his Boulder badge as Bruno smiles
Bruno - "Congratulations, so do you know where you need to go next?"
Steven - "I'm actually not sure"
Bruno - "the Gym in Cerulean city is the closest"
Steven - "alright that's where I'm headed next then, thanks Bruno"
Bruno - "another thing before you head to the Pokemon Center"
Steven - "yeah?"
Bruno - "when you gain more Gym Badges come back and I'll personally train you"
Quartz - "you sure pops?"
Bruno - "i'm sure"
Steven - "oh wow, sir I would be honored to be trained by an Elite 4 member"
Bruno - "just know you'll have to deal with two other comrades"
Steven - "who?"
Bruno - "well of course my son Quartz, who've you already met and another boy, Mike I think his name is"
Steven - "Mike? Wait, that's my brother?"
Bruno - "oh is that right?"
Steven - "thanks for all the help, guys I really appreciate it but Miki probably needs to go to the Pokemon Center, so I'll talk to you guys later"
Bruno - "yeah see you kid"
Quartz - "come back soon so we can have a rematch"
Steven - "you bet Quartz"
Steven waves goodbye as he heads to the Pokemon Center, he then heads inside and heads over to the Counter where Nurse Joy is
Nurse Joy - "oh it's you again, would you like me to heal your Pokemon?"
Steven - "yeah could you"
Nurse Joy - "certainly just hand your Charmander over and will have it healed in a bit"
Steven recalls Miki to her Pokeball as he hands Mikis Pokeball over to Nurse Joy, she places Mikis Pokeball inside the healing machine behind her, as a few seconds later Miki is fully healed
Nurse Joy - "here you go it's fully healed now"
Steven receives Mikis Pokeball from Nurse Joy, as he turns to exit the Pokemon Center while a smile is seen on his face, he begins to exit Pewter city and starts heading through Route 3,as his journey continues

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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