Chapter 1

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A nightclub might seem like a fairly innocuous place to visit, but to 21-year-old Alice West and several others, it's a place to assert dominance and plan out operations. The Fallen Angels club is the home of the Fallen Angels gang, which Alice is part of.

Alice never got the luxury of being able to live in New York's Asgard complex. She was born in the state's Underworld, left to be forgotten by the social elites. And on top of that, she's a Gracefallen, which means the Will of the Multiverse rejects her.

She still has people she can trust, though. Namely her fellow gang members and her boss, Laibrecorumiel, the fallen Guardian of the Will and the Gracefallen's shared ancestor.

Perched on a balcony of a high-rise, Alice gets a chance to survey the area down below. Her Graceful Cavalier transformation enables her to fly, and makes her more resilient. These are two natural advantages that prove useful for her. The overseeing doesn't last long, though, as she eventually decides to leave and go back to the club.

The place is packed with people, both ordinary regulars and fellow gang members. It's something Alice has grown accustomed to, and she makes sure to make herself indistinguishable from the ordinary person. Except, of course, she isn't ordinary.

"Hey Alice, the boss wants to see you," another gang member says after walking over. Alice acknowledges him, nodding in understanding, then walks off.

"You wanted to talk to me, boss?" Alice asks after walking into the Fallen Guardian's office.

"Yes. Please, have a seat," Laibre responds. Alice sits down, her body language showing no fear, waiting for him to continue.

"You've been doing well on your patrols over the last several months," Laibre begins. "As a result, I'm going to be moving you to a higher rank."

"I'm glad to have a chance at getting more opportunities to help with keeping control," Alice responds. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, feel free to do whatever you wish," Laibre says, "as long as it's within our bounds."

Alice nods, walking out of his office afterwards. She knows she's struck another milestone. Of course, she isn't done yet, though.

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