10: Miles and Closure

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Minjeong breathes in the outside air, pulling her knees to her chin.

After her time with Jimin, all the raven's words suddenly come in like a crashing wave, replaying over and over in her head. Her heart speeds up at the sleepy words from the girl.

Truthfully, she needs some time from the older. She doesn't quite remember when exactly she's seen Jimin.

She's out on a random park ground, skipping a lecture again for the first time in a while. But, she doesn't feel guilty. The smell of nature calms her roaring thoughts for some time.

Her AirPods fit snug in her ears, the brunette glad noise cancellation was a thing so she didn't have to listen to the annoying crickets and cars that pass by.

She thinks about the time she used to Ice Skate.

"Hold it." Minjeong thought as she listened to encouragements from her coach.

Suddenly, she pushed off the wall, gaining a bit of momentum and speed. She'll land this.

Triple toe loop had been giving her trouble for some time and she's been close to landing it multiple times. But to no avail, she'd fall onto the ground everytime, frustrated again.

After some time of getting used to the movements, Minjeong starts skating backwards in a angle. She jumped into the air at an angle,off her left leg and tucking in her arms tightly to get all three spins.

Holding her breath, the spin is quick and the landing is what breaks or makes the move. Minjeong came down, extending her left leg behind her. This time, instead of losing her balance, she holds up her left leg before slowly lowering it back into the ice.

She turned her head, looking at her coach in shock. Minjeong finally landed a triple toe loop.

Coach Yuri smiled proudly at her.

Who would've thought the day she landed her dream move that it'll be one of the last few times she'd see her coach shine the look of proudness at her.

Minjeong stands up, fixing her shirt with one thing in mind.

[2 miss calls from Yuna]

[Ryujin]: why aren't you in class? It's boring here💔

[5 miss calls from Jimin]

[9 messages from Jimin]

[Jimin]: Hey, why are you ignoring me :(

[Jimin]: there's nobody to walk me to my lectures for a second and I don't think that's very nice of you.

[Jimin]: I miss you. please answer me

[Jimin]: if you don't answer, I'm going to break into your room and steal your favorite Plushie

[Jimin]: Minjeong please answer

[Jimin]: Atleast tell me you're okay, you've been gone for 2 days

[Aeri]: we were supposed to go out as a group today, where are you?

Minjeong catches a glance of her notifications before swiping them away and stuffing her phone in her pocket.

Too bad she's a long drive from the university now.

She looks up, heart pounding as she reads the sign. Pure flow of movement.

Minjeong clears her throat, taking a breath before opening the door. Almost instantly, she's met with freezing cold air. It surprises her, reminding of all those times she'd be late for practice.

something in the water - winrinaWhere stories live. Discover now