"Look, A Match!"

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AUTHORS NOTE: This isnt technically the first chapter, but it explains itself. All the characters transform into different animals (Lol):

Aaron-Bear, Vince-Monkey, Jonah-deer, Wallace-Peregrine Falcon, Scott-Red Tailed Hawk, Jason-Raccoon, Foxy-Name is self explanitory

So we were at some Spanish bar. No, we weren't drinking. We were just pissin' some more people off. Again. Vince had found a mechanical bull around the corner from our booth.

"Dude, Foxy!" he called to me. "They've got a mechanical bull!"

"No way! Can we-"

"Ride it?"

"You know who else would ride it?"

We looked at each other and yelled "MY MOM!" at the top of our lungs. Aaron, Wallace and the others joined in with their own chorus of "Ohhh!"

We all chuckled and exchanged high fives.

"Waitor!" Aaron shouted. "How much does it cost for a bull ride?"

"Oh, I'm sorry sir." he replied. "Bull rides are no longer allowed." He walked back to the kitchen.

"Dude, who's gonna ride it?" I asked.

We all looked at Aaron.

"No guys. I actually don't wanna get kicked out this time." he retorted.

"Fine." Said Vince. "Your turn, Foxy."


"Dude, just transform!" said Aaron. "Fix the power on it and hit that button."


I didn't really give into peer pressure, I just really wanted to ride that bull.

So i went to "take a leak" and transformed in the stall.

"Foxy, double time it! This place closes down in like ten minutes!" whispered Jonah.

"Get outta here, Rudolph!"

"Just sayin'." I heard his footsteps walk out of the room and the door thudded closed.

I transformed and exited the mens room. I heard the other boys whisper "Dude, there he is!" as they saw me crawl by. They all applauded me and Aaron even whistled.

I eventually found the power cord and followed it to the outlet. The management had unplugged it.

Of course.

Luckily, the outlet was only a few inches off of the ground so i could easily lift the plug and shove it in there (thats what she said).

I succeeded in my task and whisked away to the bathroom to change back into my human form.

After my hair had changed back to its normal brown (I am a white fox, after all), i left the mens room and made my way back to the bull and hopped on.

Right after i had hopped on, a stout little latino man with a pencil thin mustache ran in and started shouting at me. I guess someone ratted me out.

"Sir," he shouted. "Please get off!"

"Dude, i just want one ride on the thing!"

"Sir, you're not allowed!"

"Ugh. Fine"

I pretended that i was about to hop off, but instead, i started it up.

"No, sir! You'll get-"

"Hurt is humor to McCloud, dude." Vince told him. "Get over it."

"Yeah, chill man." Of course Aaron said that. He's always so "chill".

The bull started out slowly. "This is easy" i though to myself.

Then it started bucking.

I was literally trying my hardest to hold on, and by any means neccesary. I grabbed the bull by it's horns (Literally) and wrapped my arms tightly around it's neck. But that wasn't enough. That bull bucked me off and i hit the floor with a hard 'thud'.

"Dude, you alright?" Wallace asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sha-"

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right arm, and i realized that it was gushing blood.

So what did i do?

I kicked that bulls face.

Bad idea.

I had a lot of adrenaline right then, so i didnt really know my own strength. I knew i kicked too hard when I saw the bull's head rolling on the floor and its socket sparking all over the place.

           *                          *                              *   

So long story short, the little dude turned out to be the manager, and he called the cops. We got fined like a thousand dollars or so. Was it worth it?


I guess you have to pay your fines at the courthouse in our town. All the boys and I drove to the courthouse seeing as we all chipped in to pay it. Plus, we didn't have anything else better to do.

As we were walking back to the car, Aaron stopped.

"Dude, it's a match!" he exclaimed as he bent down to pick it up.

"Dude, awesome!" said Wallace, and followed Aaron.

"It's an easy light one, too! Sweet!"

"I wanna light it!"

"I dont think we should..."

I love how i was the voice of reason here.

"Alright, Bull Master!" The boys started calling me that after i destroyed that bull.

They continued to chuckle at the idea of me killing that bull and went to find some sticks to burn. How are they gonna start some sticks on fire with a single match?

"Dudes, I found some dry leaves!"

Thats how.

Aaron walked closer to the building because there were more rocks there and were less likely to be caught there.

"Bring the leaves over here, man." Aaron said to Vince. He brought the leaves over to Aaron, who arranged the leaves in a way that they would burn better.

"Light those up!" Vince called. Aaron swiped the match against the ground and flared to life.

"Burn, baby. Burn!" Jonah called as the leaves burned.

The boys started putting more sticks on the fire to make it bigger.

Well, they forgot that the building was made out of old dry wood from the 1800s, and to makes things worse, there was a little roof right above the fire.

Smokey would be disappointed.

"Dude, this is awesome! Go get some more-"

I dont think they expected that boom.

I guess there was a gas line that was potruding out from the wall of the building and a little spark caught the gas on fire and it followed the gas line and made the building explode.uh oh.

We were all thrown back like ragdolls as the old building was engulfed in flames.

"Oof!" Aaron yelled as he thudded on the sidewalk. I was already up and making sure everyone was alright.

When everyone was up, we looked at each other and started laughing. It didnt help that we were all breathing heavily.

THen, we heard a loud voice come on over a mega pjone, and we froze.

"All right, you filthy transforming dogs!" said the voice. "Come on out where i can see ya!"

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