"I don't have to work out."

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Authors Note: Yes, the deer got shot, but we get special help and special..... abilities? idk.

I hopped off the couch to look at Jonah. His leg had a big hole in it, and was bleeding profusely. I looked at it further, and saw that there were some torn tendons that looked like chicken skin covered in blood. I could see ripped fat under neath the scar, and i could see the bullet sitting inside of his leg bone.

"Is he conscious?" I asked Margeret. She just nodded her head and held onto her stuffed bear. I looked into her eyes with sympathy. "Aaron," I said, still looking at Jonah. "Go get Aunt Sue." He nodded and jogged off to her room.

"What the hell was he doing out there?!" I shouted at them. Wallace and Scott shrugged, Jason was covering his mouth in deep thought, Margeret was sobbing on the couch. I looked to vince.

"He was keeping watch." he commented smoothly.

"For what?" I interrogated bitterly.

"He heard something from his Dad, a big supporter of us Endos." He explained. "His dad said that the rebellion group of endos, Animalia-"

"We have a rebellion group?" I demanded.

"Yeah, I follow them on Twitter." He said without the smallest change in emotion. I looked at him in bewliderment. "Anyway, they got some info from their scouts that the Tonies were looking for an Endo doctor that had figured out a way to make us near invincible."

"So? What does that have to do with this tiny town?"

"The doc is rumored to be hiding near here." He replied with worry. "That stupid deer went out to make sure that they weren't near us, and got shot."

"Well if they're here then that means..."

We looked at each other in alarm. "They're tracking us!"

We heard a scuffling at the end of the hall, and looked in. Aunt Sue and Uncle John were stumbling out of theie room to take a look at the wounded buck.

"Ugh." Sue said. "What was he thinking? The Tonies have been all over looking for me, and he knows it!"

We all snapped our heads to look at the woman. She looked at us and asked "Why so surprised? Surely that deer told you that I'm Doctor Garrison-"

"As in the Endo-Doctor?!" Margeret shouted with an anxious voice. We all looked at her and Sue with astonished faces.

"Yes, I am." Sue said with a monotone voice. Me and Vince looked at each other, amazed. "Now," Sue started. "Lets get started on him before he's gone."

On that order, everyone got up and started doing whatever Sue ordered. "Aaron, is it?" The lax-bro nodded. "Go to my bathroom closet, and get the seringes labeled M-U-S-C." He nodded and sped off. "Mercedes, get the rubbing alcohol from above the bathroom sink. Wallace and Scott, fly to the post-office down the road. Ask for a man named Leonard and say Sue asked for the new postage." Mercedes ran off to get the alcohol, and, with confused glances, the boys opened the door and flew off to the post office. Sue looked to me. "Now, Foxy. I need you to find some novacaine berries." she picked up a leaf from the table and had me smell it. "There should be a patch of it just by my garden." I nodded, transformed and scurried out the door.

*        *        *

Everybody was back and awaiting the news on Deer Boy. Sue had made us leave the house and sit outside until she was done. We didn't speak, just exchanged worried glances and rippped leaves.

We heard a knocking on the door and Sue beckoned us in, and we raced in to see the poor man. Margeret ran over to him and put her head on his stomach. She looked confused and looked up at Sue.

"Why are his abs so hard?" she inquired.

"I gave him rock hard muscles. Legitimately."

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