"It's Funny 'Cause You Died!"

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"Haha, i got your plane!"

"Go die!"

"But then I wouldn't be able to take your plane!"

Scott and i were going at it again. Everytime we play Star Fox, he ALWAYS takes my plane because he knows i can't stand it, and thats how i win, with planes.

player 3 wins!

"I hate you all." I said, throwing the controller.

"please don't throw my controllers, seeing as that's all we've got." Scott said.

"Well it landed on a pillow!" i said angrily.

"Dude, you quitting?" Vince asked with an excited tone.

"No!" i retorted. "I'm gettin' a soda!"

"Oh dude! Get me one!" Vince said.

"Yeah, me too!" Aaron squealed excitedly, which is the last thing i would expect from a six-foot, five-foot tall lacrosse player.

I grabbed two out of the mini-fridge in our condo, and threw it to Aaron. "you're the special entertainment tonight, bro." I said to him. He laughed and cracked open the ice cold Mountain Dew.

"Alright, dudes" I said, jumping over our makeshift couch (It was really just two chairs pushed together) and landing on my spot. "Lets play this piece of-"

A sharp knock on the condo door interrupted, and i hopped up to look through the peep-hole. Mercedes was standing on the step, looking around anxiously and red in the face. We had sent her with fifty dollars to go buy groceries from the Sams Club down the street about three hourse ago, and she was just now returning. Empty handed. I opened the door and let her in.

She took a deep breath. "Before you guys get mad at me for not getting anything," she spoke quickly. "The Tonies showed up when i was in the cookies aisle."

"How'd you know it was them?" Wallace asked.

"For one, I'm a fricken lioness, man. Second, one of them past me, carrying a crate of beer. His name plate said Holm..." her voice trailed off. "Anyway, we need to get packed up and drive somewhere new."

"Where do you suggest?" Vince asked.

"Missouri!" I blurted out.

They all looked at me questioningly. "Why Missouri?" jonah asked.

"dude, i know all of the best places to run there." I said. They all said "Oh..." remembering that I had grown up there. "Besides, the Tonies hate the south."

They all nodded in agreement, so we packed up as fast as we could.

"dude, grab my Zebra Cakes!"

"Can you pick up my socks from the ground over there?"

"where are our machetes?!"

This was some of the conversation that was being thrown accross the room by us. We Got everything packed up and put in the car, and right as we got in the car...

"Wait! My speakers!" Yelled Wallace.

He ran inside and grabbed his speakers, but he also had something else in his arms. "You don't wanna forget your Gamecube, dude." He said to me, putting it all in the trunk.

Mercedes gasped suddenly and squealed "We need a new car!"

we all looked at her. "Uhh... Why?" Aaron asked.

"They've seen our van!" Thats right. We were rocking the courier van.

*        *        *

So, one less courier van and ten thousand dollars more later, we bought an old white Mustang, and some Mitsubishi Eclipse convertible that we got from some college kid. The only reason we could afford the cars is because Vince and Cedes got their parents to deposite a bunch of money into their bank accounts when we left. Their parents didnt know about the courthouse yet.

When we got all of our stuff in the trunks of the cars, Aaron yelled "DIBS!" and ran to the drivers seat of the Mustang.

"I guess i got the Eclipse." I said in a fake depressed tone. I'd rather have the Eclipse for its speakers anyway.

So we were on our way to Missouri. Awesome.

*        *        *

"Almost there, guys!" I said with excitement. I had Vince, Wallace and Scott in the car with me, and we were rocking out to "Derezzed" from the TRON: Legacy soundtrack. We were all Fist Pumping out the sides of the car, unless i had to turn, then I'd pull my hand back in so i could turn easier.

After half a day of driving, we finally arrived at my Aunt and Uncle's house. We unpacked and walked to the door. They opened it (as they were expecting us) and let us in. They told us to sleep wherever, and then went to bed themselves. I grabbed the couch so one of the girls could have my bed. I fell Asleep really quick.

Suddenly, i was shaken awake by Margeret. I looked at her and her eyes were filled with fear and sadness. I could tell that she was about to cry. "Whats wrong?" I asked urgently. "what time is it even?" It was three thirty in the morning, so i had only got four hours of sleep.

With a little sob, she pointed at the other couch. I looked over, and i saw a pool of blood on the floor and all my friends working to heal him.

Who was him?

"That stupid deer went out to keep watch and got shot!" whispered Aaron.

Jonah, Margeret's boyfriend.

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