💟Desert sleepover// KTH ending💟

15 3 27

(Its awful and not what I wanted it to be)


Despite Sherly and Taehyung's avid dislike of the situation, the three of them piled together in the bed. It wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that there was no ability to move without one of them pushing against the other.

It was mostly quiet between the three of them as they all groaned, pushing each other about. Finally, they settled quietly, with Taehyung presuming a spot between Jungkook and Sherly, who had taken positions at either side of the makeshift bed.

The peace was short lived; however, because Jungkook decided he was going to break the silence with a loud shriek.

"Eww! I think Sherly touched my butt cheek!" He yelped, wiggling around as if trying to distance himself from the other two.

Sherly gasped at the accusation, looking over Taehyung's body to send Jungkook a harsh glare. "I did not! I'm not even anywhere near you!"

Jungkook sent her a grin. "I was joking, Sherls." He chuckled back, "I just wanted to see what you'd do if I said that."

With a growl, Sherly turned to face the wall, not wanting to dispute any longer with the childish man in the bed with her. At this point, she wished she had have just slept in the car. At least she wouldn't be sandwiched between the wall and Taehyung - not to mention Jungkook.

Silence reigned again for around half an hour before Sherly felt Taehyung push rather harshly into her body, sending her face first into a wall. Both Taehyung and Sherly groaned at the contact, and Sherly quickly – and with much difficulty- turned to face the man.

"What was that for?!" She hissed into his face, only slightly bothered by the fact that their faces were only inches apart. He seemed to be just as confused as she was, and when she looked closer she noticed that he looked as if he had been awoken suddenly.

"It wasn't me." He whined out in a groggy voice, yawning loudly. Another involuntary shove pushed Taehyung and Sherly together, and this time Sherly could have sworn that she felt Taehyung's nose brush against hers. Their breaths intermingled with each other as the two looked into each other's eyes, obviously shocked by the sudden invasion of privacy.

Taehyung quickly tried to push himself back, but that only ended with him getting shoved into Sherly again. His hands quickly gripped into the sheet just beside her as if he were terrified to even touch the very tips of her skin. He looked like a cat trying to keep itself from falling into water.

With another brute push, Taehyung's knee immediately snapped itself against the wall beside Sherly, along with his hand, which gripped unto the wall with such ferocity Sherly thought his nails were going to tear marks in it.

The position they were in was even more awkward than before as half of Taehyung's body was perched against the wall on Sherly's right while his other hand and knee gripped into the sheets on Sherly's left. Panting could be heard from Taehyung's throat as if he was working excruciatingly to keep himself from even brushing against her.

A snore sounded from behind Taehyung, and that's when both Sherly and Taehyung looked over to Jungkook's side of the bed. It wasn't surprising to find that while in his sleep Jungkook had managed to push his way into most of the room of the two beds, leaving Taehyung and Sherly with barely enough room to fit one person.

Taehyung let out an annoyed growl as he attempted to shove Jungkook back with the hand he had placed on the sheet. It wasn't much use, however, since as soon as he did that Jungkook simply just pushed back, shoving Taehyung further into Sherly's personal space.

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