Chapter 1

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Disclaimer, I don't know how schooling in Paris is at all. I don't know much about Paris, unless it is from the show. If any of the French words are translated wrong, blame google lol.

Along with not knowing how school is in Paris, I really don't know many extra circular/class options there are.

Marinettes pov-

It's 11:00(am) and we have one more period till lunch. Lunch is very early for some reason, but it's better then last year. Last year my Lunch started at 1:00, and I didn't have the same lunch with Nino and alya. Our lunches luckily overlapped by 30 minutes but still a different lunch, and that was miserable.

i love lunch, I mean but what kid doesn't. Every kid's favourite class has to be lunch or gym, but gym is my least favourite class ever. It's not like I'm lazy or anything, fine you got me maybe I am a little lazy. In my defence though being a super hero is really hard work.

I guess I should explain, hi I'm marinette dupan-cheing or ladybug. Which is a much more known name,superhero ladybug. My name is based off the little adorable insects and the black polka dots all over my red costume. You'll learn more about me and being a superhero soon, don't worry.

Anyway, back to why lunch is the best class. You get to leave school go eat for an hour then come back to finish school. Lucky me I only have 3 periods after lunch and no after school activities .

Our school is a pretty big school, we have big area downstairs that is used for after school sports, assemblies, and where all of the lockers are kept.

When you first walk into the school, you see the big area and usually a bunch of kids huddled into their little clicks. Then along the walls are just lockers, ugly blue lockers. They are ugly on the outside, but have a decent amount of room in them for all of our books. Honestly I'm not sure exactly why we have lockers since we carry our backpacks around. ( A/u my school will scream at you if you carry a bag around the school, they all have too be kept in lockers at all times. At least we don't have too have clear backpacks Ig)

I keep food and my gym clothes in my locker, it's a good idea I definitely recommend keeping food in your locker.

The last thing that is downstairs is the gym and locker rooms. They look like any normal gym or locker room, with extra lockers no one uses unless they play sports. The locker room also has an extra set bathrooms, which I always go in they are a lot less busy.

There are these really big stair cases too the left of the huge room downstairs. The stair case is what leads to our second floor with is used for all of the classes.

Me and my grade only have 2 teachers, who switch with us each year. 'Switch' meaning they learn and go over the next years curriculum so they can teach us properly. Just like every other grade who goes to our school, I think it's just something weird our school does.

Mrs. Buster and Ms. Maneleiev are the ones assigned to us since we were in 8th grade. It's going too be so sad without Mrs. Buster when I graduate this year. No one really likes Ms. Maneleiev so I feel bad for next years 8th graders who get her.

"Yes, Fuck English, i hatee that class" alya practically yelled right in my ear. "Ms. Maneleiev is such a pain in the ass too, no one wants too sit there all class and just silent read." She looks over at me and I just nod in agreement.

Ms.Maneleiev is teaching us English and science this year. While mrs. Buster is teaching us math and history. Luckily I have mrs. Buster as a study hall teacher.

Ik I said they are our only two teachers but I lied, we have our 'extra' class teachers. 'Extra' classes meaning home economics, gym, music, etc. which is why they both only teach 2 different subjects.

Back to alya complaining, on and on and on about English class.

Alya is my best friend, we've been best friends since she moved here right before freshman year. We are seniors now, crazy. She stood up for me when Chloe was being a bitch, which is typical Chloe. But we've been best friends ever since that day.

"Me too, but now I have gym. That's worse then English" I reply while rolling my eye.

"You just hate gym because you have to deal with Adrien."

Adrein. The biggest man whore, he's fucked at least half of the girls here. He always gets into girls pants,which makes no sense. I mean he's cute, rich, famous, and supposedly 'big'.

"Yeah, bc he's so annoying." I said as we both turned the corner heading over to my locker.

"He really isn't that bad, you've never even had a full conversation with him."

She's not wrong, but I don't ever plan on having a full conversation with him either .

We reach my locker and I open it, "I guess, but you really don't have room to talk he's practically your brother in law"

Alya has a boyfriend, his name is Nino. He's my second best friend. They're a really cute couple and everything, there like my parents. The only thing is , is that ninos best friend is Adrien.

With my head in my locker grabbing my gym clothes I continue "Plus you don't have to deal with this" right on cue the blond boy is right by my locker leaning on the one next to mine too the left of me with his puckered lips. He does this every single day, it got annoying after the first day. We're in the third marking period (term).

My locker has a bunch of stickers all over it , and photos of me,als and Nino. Plus it's pink on the inside, and outside. I will have trouble cleaning it all up but it was most definitely worth it. We aren't supposed too do this, I didn't listen though.

I got one detention but never had too take it down. The only bad thing about having my locker be pink is it made my locker stick out like a sore thumb.

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