Chapter 30

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Honestly I wish this chapter would be better but honestly I've burnt myself out since I made the 30th my due date. I'm trying really hard, and I hope that these chapters will get better soon.

Then we hear a knock at the door and jump up.

"Go make sure Emma's in her room, and Toby."


"The cat. Just goo" he kissed me on the cheek then shoved me off into the hall.


I walked into the hall, and up the stairs.

I first walk into one room which seemed too be Emma's, beside that a bathroom. No one was in either of them, so I went too the room across the hall. Adriens room, at least that's my guess.

Adriens room had a big king size bed, a dresser, and a tv. It wasn't anything special, very bland and boring.

I remember that I saw two rooms downstairs so I quickly run down into the first room. A playroom, Which luckily had Emma sitting down drawing a picture.

I heard the front door open as I shut the playrooms door. "Hii Emma."

"Hi Mari!" She looked up for a quick moment but then looked back down.

"Can I color with you?"

"Sure!" She grabs me a coloring book, and hands me a few markers.

Adriens pov-

I hear Mari running around, so I waited a few minutes too let her get too the right room. I probably should have given her a tour first but I didn't.

After another knock I decided I should probably let whoever in. I open the door too find Nino standing there.

"hi NINO." I scream his name hoping Mari could hear me. "Where als?"

"Damn man , no need too scream lol. She's in the car still."

"Sorry man. I didn't mean too scream, or make you stand outside for soo long." I scratch the back of my neck.

"It's okay, sick house man."

Thanks Nino, the party isn't about the house tho. I have a surprise, wanna see first?"

"Of course man, I'm your best friend. It hurts you haven't already told me."

"Yeah I get that, sorry man. Just come here." I start walking walking towards Emma's playroom. "So this party isn't about a house, it's about this." I open the door too see Emma and marinette talking and coloring.

"Mari?" She looks up at Nino with a smile. "Ur the surprise?"

"No nino, the child?" She say's laughing.

"Hi Nino. I'm Emma, from the fair." She walks up too him and puts her hand out for him too shake.

"Ur adorable," he shakes her hand. "I remember you cutie pie. Soo ur the surprise?"

"I guess soo? Daddy?"

"Yes baby your the surprise."

"Daddy! She's your kid?"


Nino just looked at me, blank faced.

This was worse then I thought it would go i don't know, It was just kind of awkward.

it also doesn't help that Marinette was already sitting in the room with Emma. I don't want Nino too think I've replaces him or anything.

Another knock, "princess?" Mari looked up at me, "Can you go get that?"

"Yes love." Marinette stands up and starts walking too the door.

Me and Nino walk over into the next room, my office space."So?" I turn too Nino.

"I'm proud of you dude, honestly. I wish you would've told me about her though. But I get why you didn't. Did Mari know before me? What abt the fair? How long has it been since you adopted her? Are you and Mari something?"

"Thanks Nino. Mari found out today, and she wasn't supposed too. She was supposed too find out the same time as everyone else. But she was at the orphanage this morning, and so was I. Me and Mari aren't anything, for now ig. During the fair I picked her because she was my kid, I don't think officially though at that point and it's been like one weeks I think since I had filled out all of the paperwork. I've been hanging out with her for like 2 months though, and honestly I couldn't imagine not adopting her."

"Oh, that makes sense I guess. But why'd you hide it? I mean mari has Hugo and we've never judged her for that."

"I don't know, I felt like if I told someone then my dad would find out or the press and I didn't want Emma too have too deal with any of that."

"That makes sense, just no more lies k? Especially big ones like your daughter."


" so you and Mari aren't anything 'for now'" he winked at me.

"Shut up Nino." I blush then playfully pushed him.

We both walked into the living room, too find my father and Natalie on the couch. Mari was no where too be found. I wonder where she went, I wouldn't want too sit in a room with them alone either so can't blame her.



I hear Emma yell, then marinette yelling after her. Which ended up with both of them in the living room, panting and Emma kicking too be put down.

"Father. This is Emma. My daughter. This is why I wanted you guys too come over."


Every single person looks over too the door, where alya was standing. She was holding homemade cookies, which she dropped.

"Guys. Everyone sit down." Alya, and nino sat down on the couch. "Emma and Marinette included." I waited about a minute till everyone sat down. It went Mari who had Emma on her lap, alya , nino, Natalie then my father. "This is my daughter Emma, I adopted her officially about a week ago but we've been hanging out for about two months. That's why I wanted too get this house and that Is why I wanted you guys too come over. I honestly don't care what you think but I just wanted you too know thanks." I just walked away, leaving everyone shocked.

I have never talked too my father like that, and I sure as hell did not want too know what he had too say afterwards. So I just left, probably not the best thing I could've done but whatever.

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