Chapter 24

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Marinettes finally getting her new job, this chapter is very detailed filled. Just kind of describing where marinette works/ the agrest company. I hope you enjoy! Don't forget too vote and comment.

Adrien had gorilla, aka his bodyguard take us all home after the long day.

When I got home, Hugo was already fast asleep. I gave him a little kiss on his forehead and climbed in bed myself.

I did some designing and a bit of homework but i also went too bed really early.

-time skip, friday after school-

Maris pov-

So it's been a long ass day at school, I had too go into the office.

If you don't remember I'm now officially an employee at the agrest company! I'm so excited, it has been my dream too work there since I was a freshman(9th grade).

I have too go set up the office today. I wasn't told much about my new office, idk if I have my own or not.

I hope I do, mainly because i will be bringing Hugo too work. I just don't want him to bother anyone.

Natalie said that they will bring a car over, so I don't have to walk with all of my things. About 30 minutes since I got out of school and car pulled in front of my house.

It was adriens body guard. He helped me grab my things and put them in the trunk. I got into the back seat, and we were off.

Hugo is staying home with my mom and dad, I feel bad since is this the second time this week they will be watching him. I decided that it wouldn't be a good idea too be unpacking and setting up an office with a baby.

About a 10 minute drive later we had arrived. It was huge. I've never seen the outside of building, not in person at least.

We walked inside on the first floor. There was a Starbucks too my left, an elevator too my right and a check in desk right in the middle.

I walked up too the desk, there was a man I've never meet before and then Natalie.

"Hi Mrs.Dupan-Cheng"

"Hi Natalie, and you can call me Marinette." I smiled at her, which she returned.

"Well marinette, you have two rooms too your office. Which you can do with as you please. We will be heading up in a minute, want too go get your things?"

"Yea, I'll be right back." Then I walked out too the car, which gorilla was standing waiting to give me some help.

The agrest building had 8 floors, and I'm not sure what's on any of them. It's a gorgeous tall building with lots of windows.

The inside or at least the first floor was stunning, some pretty colors, lots of plants, white furniture.

I walked back in too see Natalie waiting for me right in-front of the elevator.

The elevator was gorgeous, inside and out. The outside was a gorgeous gold. The inside was black with gold beams going through out it. The buttons were black with white letters and a gold ring around it. There was a black run too, and gold bars all around too hold onto.

Natalie clicked the number 7 button and we had started going up. The elevator was silent, and very uncomfortable.

I checked my phone too see if I had any notifications. I had a few, Snapchat from alya, Snapchat from mom, and a Snapchat 'My favs'
There was a notification that kitty section posted something on instagram, and a notification from Amazon that my order had arrived.

The Snap from alya was a cute photo of her and Nino cuddling, so I sent her back a funny face snap. Me and alya snap all day, everyday.

The snap from my mom was a picture of Hugo drinking his bottle. I sent back a kissy face and put the words 'I miss you baby'.

Lastly for snap was 'My favs' which is just a group chat of my and my friend group. Which consists of me,alya, jules, rose, Alix and meline. I sent them a silly face with the words 'wish me luck' and put my location on too show where I was.

I looked up too see what floor we were on and we were still only on floor 5. So I decided to check out what kitty section posted.

Kitty section is a band my friends put together freshman year, and they are still going strong. Rose,Juls, Ivan, and luka are all in it.

It was a post about there new upcoming gig they got, I'll most likely go. I mean I am the one who creates all of there costumes, so I'll get a free ticket anyway.


Finally that was the longest elevator ride of my life I swear too god.

"After you marinette"

"Thank you Natalie." I walked out of the elevator, into a long hallway. With Natalie following close behind me. She cut in-front of me walking about three doors down, and turned too the left. She knocked, then waited, then knocked again.

"Come in." A man's voice?

She had opened the door letting me go in first.

The room was plain, and boring. White walls, little decorations and just one desk with a guy sitting at it. On the one wall there was a door, probably the other room she was talking about.

Honestly this room really just bumming her out, the only thing in the room was a desk. The seat just sat in the middle of the room. It wasn't a fancy or decorated desk, just a plain black one.

The desk had a cup of pens, a computer and mouse. That was about it, maybe a sticky note or two. Oh and a cup, most likely full of coffee.

The man, he was sitting in a computer chair. Just a plain black one of course, and had blonde hair.

"Your desk will be delivered soon, miss." Natalie said too me, taking me out of my trance.

"Thank you, can I go look in the other room?"

I see the man peek his head up at my voice, but still didn't look at me or Natalie.

"Of course," she walked me over too the door and opened it.

It was a cute small room, it looked like a walk in closet or something. There again wasn't much in the small room. A few boxes and totes, up on shelves. There was a piece of paper that struck my interest. It had 8 squares with different words on it.

Social media

I'm guessing that this meant all the different floors of the building, and what each floor has to offer. They have an entire floor for social media, I wonder what is all in there.

One thing that caught my eye though was 'father', who's dad works here. Holy shit, Adrien. I mean I guess that would make sense, but for some reason it didn't come too mind.

I walk back out into the bigger room, where I saw Natalie and Adrien talking.

"Marinette?" And in that moment everything stopped.

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