Chapter 8: Talking to Larry

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The last month was rough but amazing at the same time. It sucked that they needed to sneak around, but Jed loved dating Oct. It was everything he wanted in a relationship. The best part, there weren't many things that changed between them.

Jedediah didn't realize how close he and Octavius were until they started dating. 

Mayor Ross was not happy that Jedediah was once again talking to Octavius. Part of the reason why he wanted Jed to get married is that he hated that Jed was so close to a man, especially a Roman man. He was very strict about the relationships the people in town were allowed to have.

Surely there was another way to stop Jed from hanging out with the Roman emperor. All he had to do was figure out what.

Maybe he could convince Roxanne that she and her new husband were ready to start a family. If that didn't work, he could put more work onto Jed. He knew Jedediah loved his town and would do anything for it.

The mayor watched Jed leave the diorama, giving Roxanne a gentle kiss on the cheek. He then approached his daughter, twirling his mustache.


"Dad. What are ya doin' here?"

"I was lookin' for ya an' Jed."

"What 'bout?"

"I've been thinkin' an' I think it's time."


"You an' Jed to expand the family."

Roxanne's eyes widened. "I disagree."

"Excuse me?"

"He an' I ain't ready for babies."

"I think ya are."

"We ain't." Roxanne stormed away.

That plan had failed for now. Mayor Ross looked down and saw Jed touch the ground. He decided to follow him around.

=+POV Change and Time Skippy Skip+=

Jedediah couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed, but he chose to ignore it. He was too excited to see his boyfriend. All he wanted to do was cuddle up, watch cat videos on Larry's phone, and possibly make out.

First, he needed to convince Larry to let him borrow his phone. Larry would ask questions, questions Jed wasn't ready to answer.

The only people Jed was out to were his wife and his boyfriend. It sounded wrong when put like that, but it was the truth. He was very open to Roxanne about his and Octavius' relationship. She may be trapped with him, but she deserved to know the truth. It was nice knowing she didn't care about it, anyway.

Jed soon found Larry and jumped up and down to get his attention. It took a bit, but it did work. Larry bent down and let Jed climb into his hand.

"Do you need something, Jed?"

"I was hopin' to borrow yer phone."


"Cat videos."

Larry playfully rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Do you need me to carry you back to your display?"

"Actually, to the Roman display would be better."

Larry nodded, walking to the diorama room. He almost stepped on the mayor but managed to move his foot before he did. He bent down, apologizing, then went back to walking.

During that interaction, Jedediah figured out why he felt he was being followed. Before reaching the diorama room, Jed called out for Larry's attention.


"I've told you not to call me that." Larry stopped walking and looked at him. 

"I've gotta tell ya somethin'."

Larry raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"But I would like it to be somewhere private."

"To McPhee's office, it is, then."

Larry took Jed to McPhee's office. He set Jed down, shut the door, and sat down. 

"Is everything okay?"

"Mostly, no."

"What's going on?"

"Mayor Ross wanted me to get married, so I did. I ain't happy with it, but neither is she. She an' I spoke, an' she's lettin' me see someone else."

"Who are you seeing?"


"You weren't before?"

Jed shook his head. "No. I didn't wanna admit it 'cause we hang people like me."


"An' I ain't ready to quit yet." Jed started pacing. "I think Mayor Ross was followin' me 'round. He don't leave town often."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I dunno. I can't go home 'cause he's gunna figure out what's really happenin'. It ain't gunna be pretty with the Romans if he finds out I'm datin' the emperor."

Larry sighed. "I can go get Octavius, and you two can watch cat videos here. I'll figure this out for you, okay?"

"Thank ya, partner."

"Of course, Jed. Stay safe."

Larry then left.

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