Chapter 29: Election Night

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After extended campaigning, it was time for the mayoral elections. As much as Tobias wanted Jed to be there, it wasn't a good idea. The people of the western display did not forget things easily. They made it known that if Jedediah showed his face, he would be killed.

Jedediah would be missing the biggest night of Tobias' life. 

Tobias took a deep breath, smoothing his suit down. It had taken a while for the town to like any of the Smiths again. It took even longer for them to approve of Tobias running. He eventually won back their favor.

Tobias was sure he was going to win. The rumor plan worked; Mayor Ross stood no chance against him. Nothing stood in his way, so why did Tobias feel so empty?

The whole reason he agreed to this was to help his brother, to ensure that no one else would have to endure the pain his brother had gone through, yet Tobias wasn't happy about it. Maybe he would be if Jedediah had been there with him.

God, this makes it seem like Jedediah was dead.

Jedediah wasn't dead, at least not yet. It was clear to see that Jedediah was struggling behind the mask he wore. It was hard to say if Jed would continue to have the motivation to continue.

"Here are our candidates. Tobias Smith and Gene Ross."

That was his cue to go up on the stage. Tobias stood next to Mayor Ross, next to the man he hated the most.

"Tonight is the night we vote for our next mayor. The two have some final words to say. First up, Gene Ross."

"Thank ya, Lucas." Mayor Ross grinned at the crowd. "Now, I ain't perfect, but I can assure ya that I won't ever let what happened with Jedediah happen 'gain. I am sad that one of our greatest men fell ill in such a way. If he ever steps foot here 'gain, I will make sure he ain't never gunna see another night. Nothin' ain't gunna stand in my way to protect this town from the twisted ways of the people outside."

People cheered as he took his spot next to Tobias. The cheers settled down as Tobias stepped forward.

"I know there's been some... thin's goin' on with my family. I ain't Jedediah. I ain't never gunna live up to the legacy he set in place. I promise, as mayor, I will dedicate my life to improvin' this town. I don't see why we can't coexist with others. It's been years since Larry took the night guard position. We haven't taken the opportunity to connect with others outside our town. The only person who did was Jed. He ain't sick; he's livin' as his true self. I can't see why we can't do it too."

==Time Skippy Skip==

Two hours later, the votes were in. A majority had gone to Tobias.

Tobias won. He was the mayor.

He knew he should celebrate, but he couldn't bring himself to be fully happy.

The person he did it for wasn't there.

But Tobias knew that Jedediah was proud of him. 

He accomplished his goal.

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