Break 2

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The hall was deafeningly quiet after the shocking ending of the previous chapter.

Percy was the first occupant of the hall to make a move. Gently pushing out of her father's hold, she sat forward with her elbows rested on her knees. One hand covered her mouth while the other pushed any loose hair out of her face. Poseidon was about to reach out and rub her back when she suddenly stood from her seat.

Noticing she had accidentally gained the attention of the hall Percy decided to speak up. Clearing her throat she said, "I suggest we take a break. Maybe even have lunch." McGonagall was the first teacher to snap out of her shock. With a quick nod of her head she replied, "I agree, Ms. Jackson." Talking to everybody she said, "We will take a short break from reading to eat and... review what we've already heard."

Nobody was given time to react as the couches, chairs, and beanbags changed back into the four house tables with food quickly appearing as well.

Percy spared a quick glance at Annabeth and Grover. Her friends were already looking back at her, and they gave nods of understanding when Percy subtly pointed to the bedroom that Sirius escaped to.

Just as she was about to leave, Percy turned to face her father. Poseidon was moving to stand up when his daughter pushed him back down into his seat. With confusion lacing his features the sea god asked, "What are you doing, Seastar?" Blanking her face of emotions Percy said, "I am about to leave the hall. I don't want you killing or seriously maiming someone while I'm gone." Poseidon could only sigh at his daughter's words before lowly whispering, "You know I can't promise that." Percy leaned down so that they were now eye level with each other. "Well this time you'll have to. Because I have a very traumatized boyfriend who is probably on the verge of a panic attack right now in the other room, and I really don't have the time, nor the patience, to deal with a gods attitude."

Poseidon knew his face expressed the shock he was feeling at his daughter's words. However, she gave him no time to respond as she stood upright and walked off to the bedroom Sirius was occupying.


Sirius Orion Black hadn't cried in what felt like years. He was one of those people that kept his negative emotions bottled up until there wasn't any room left. And then he forced more in anyway.

He had gotten better since meeting Percy; she had helped him slowly break out of his emotionally stunted shell. But now that his vision was blinded by the salty tears that were burning his eyes as they escaped, he couldn't stop.

And when the tears started flowing the sobs that racked his body were quick to follow.

All he could think about was how his friends must be reacting to what he had done. They must think he was just like the rest of his family: dark, twisted, and murderous. He had already hidden so much from them. This was just another thing to add to the list.

His hands fisted through his shoulder-length hair out of panic and frustration. Were they going to abandon him? What the hell, of course they were. He had used an Unforgivable curse for gods sake! And not just any Unforgivable. No. Sirius had used the Killing Curse.

As his thoughts began to spin out of control, Sirius felt his chest tighten and his throat start to constrict. His hearing also started fading in and out.

He had tried to stand from his spot on the bed, but he only succeeded in falling to the floor. The pain of his knees hitting stone didn't even register as Sirius's breathing continued to grow faster.

The black-haired boy was in such a panic he had no inclination that Percy had walked through the door.

Percy knew not to expect anything good when walking into the bedroom she and Sirius shared. But when she saw Sirius on his knees, struggling to breath, crying, and with his hands nearly tearing his hair out, she immediately rushed to kneel in front of him.

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