Chapter 6: Polo and Accidents

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Chapter 6: Polo and Accidents

It was around the afternoon that we got to play polo in the fields. The sky was obscured with grey cumulus clouds, yet it was quite warm with the sun peaking through them. An open back car drove us to the stables after lunch with the rest of the crew. They wanted to participate or either watch us play some matches. We let it slip and it took a few minutes to get up to the fields.

Georgia was super hyped about it, or probably it was the glucose tablets she was given by Dan. Never knew Dan had some but oh well... Along the way, my best friend could not stop bickering and I had to (literally) duct tape her mouth shut because Buster was also annoyed at it and barking back.

The fluffy golden dog jumped off the back with us. I checked my surroundings to find a brown wooden stables and barn with a gravel path leaving it. Shivering, I felt the cold breeze enter my bare neck – even if it was covered with my scarf. Ralph led the way through the narrow path and up to the area with quite a lot of people doing their jobs. We weaved around them to have entered into the stables.

"Is there any pigus?" Simon asked and my older brother laughed.

Lewis replied, "I'm sure Ralph has a lot of them, Simon." Focusing, we walked through the first stables which had a dozen horses in their pens. I remembered the familiar scent of horse dung and hay. Georgia got too excited (who still had duct tape in her mouth), ripped the tape from her mouth and approached one of the horses.

I smiled at how the horse immediately liked her as he neighed and letting her stroke his head. "They are so beautiful," Georgia said.

"All of them were born here," Ralph explained to us. "We usually let them wander off in the fields, but not today apparently."

"I thought you run the whole place, Ralph?" I asked him. Then, he continued explaining that he had applied some people to manage some part of the estate.

"Come on," He gestured as he walked. "Whoever wants to play need to get some gear on." I glanced at Georgia and she squealed in jubilance. This is my friend in hyper mode...

It was great that Dan actually had the guts to join our little match we agreed with Hatfilms. He had joined with the trio – plus Sips – meaning there was Lola, Georgia, I and my brother Ralph in another team. There were no complicated rules but just to have fun. I swear the only difficult part was actually push myself onto my horse since I was that short.

I approached the horse, chestnut colour and a caramel colour mane and tail. He wasn't tall as the others, but he seemed to be not as aggressive as them. As I did, I put my right hand up and let him smell my scent. Gradually he did appreciate me as I stroked him. "I wonder what's you name..." I said.

"His name is Butter," I flicked around to spot Ross in front of me.

I raised an eyebrows and questioned him, "How do you know?" He then pointed at the small tag tied on his gate post, engraving the name 'Butter' on it. "Oh..."I scratched the back of my head, quite embarrassed at my stupidity. Chuckling back, Ross handled his horse with his reins. The horse was taller and bigger in size; the horse was jet black with a white star on its forehead.

"Do you ride?"I asked him as I guided Butter out of his pen.

Ross paused to think. "Well I ride cars, buses and cabs." He joked and I shook my head from laughter. "But no, I don't usually ride horses."

"Well, just stick to trotting." I insisted him. Placing my saddle onto Butter, we finally headed outside. Ralph was outside with his in the gravel courtyard, talking to Georgia and Dan. In time, we took our little crowd of horses and people up another pathway towards the isolated fields.

Dan cursed in dismay and held his phone up in the air. "God dammit: there isn't any wi-fi here!" I rolled my eye in annoyance and stomped up to him where I snatched his phone from his hands. "Hey! Give that back!" He protested.

"I'm giving it back to you 'til it's the end of our holiday!" I argued loudly, getting odd looks from the Yogs. They all must think I'm like bloody mother with her son.

Dan pouted and trudged along on horseback. I got back on Butter and decided to chat with Georgia along the way. Eventually, we did arrive at the field Ralph guided us to. It was rather open with a fence surrounding it. My brother had gotten down from his horse and opened the gate to let us in. And finally, the games had finally begun.

However, the Hat lads firstly protested saying that our team (which consisted 2 people horse polo professionals) was bias. Gladly volunteering, Ralph had switched with Sips. Luckily we still had Georgia on ours.

My hands were numb from the cold as I held my polo stick in position. I had one hand on the reins to control Butter as I waited. The rest of the Yogs were watching us behind the wooden fence as we played. We started off getting the hang of it once again. Of course, Georgia took the shot and slammed the ball through the goal. I trotted back to her and we high-fived each other.

"How the hell do you play like that?" Sips exclaimed as our team gathered around.

My best friend shrugged. "Practice? I don't know; everyone is good at something."

"We're winning by 2 points Miss...I mean Georgia," Lola stated. "It seems that their team is actually really good!"

"I know right!" I said in shock. "How are those losers good at this?!"

Sips just laughed. "You sound like your brother Lewis!" Glaring back at him, I saw Georgia pushing back a giggle and so did Lola.

"It's quite true!"Georgia said. "I swear the three of you are pretty much the same!" I ignored the fact that my own teammates were laughing at me and focused back into just playing a simple game of horse polo.

As leader, Georgia began hitting the ball towards Lola as I raced with Butter to the oppositions' side. Ross was with his horse were beside the goal as I approached them. Silently, I watched the ball getting pass by Georgia, Lola and Sips – with Georgia slamming the ball in full force until...

"Argggghhh!"The ball had accidently shot right into Ralph's leg. I gasped in shock, shouting his name.

And being really clumsy, I almost fell off my horse. Luckily, Ross had managed to quickly get off his horse and catch me. My heart began to race quickly and to have noticed that I'd been staring at his deep beautiful blue eyes than helping my brother.

"Thanks for catching me," I mumbled before sprinting to my brother. He had fallen off his horse from the impact (and pain) the ball had given. I kneeled down in front of my brother who had Georgia inspecting the wound.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" Georgia screamed in apologises. Everyone has topped what they were doing in the field and surrounded us.

"'s alright," He took large breaths. "But I'm in serious pain here!" With all the help we got, the boys out of the Yogs heaved Ralph up. I guess it was game over...

A/N: Sorry if I get anything wrong about this, I have a lack of knowledge for horses. :S Please don't judge me and I do hope that I got it right.


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