Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Gemma's Point of View 

"Oh fuck are you okay." The unknow boy looked down at me in shock while I just probably looked like a dying whale with my mouth wide and my eyes as big as saucers

 My mouth just started to drool immediately. I just couldn't stop looking. I blush and began to speak. "Uhh um yes I am fine"

"Do you need a hand?"

"Uhh umm," What am I doing? Do I even know what I'm saying? "Yes please." I said shakily. Geez Gemma get it a grip!

He handed me his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me up roughly. "Thank you." I said in a sweet tone.

"No need to thank me I'm the one that knocked you over anyway so can I get your name?"

"Well I'm going to class now." I looked into his eyes. They were just this bright hazel with speaks of green.Gemma STOP staring! I blush once more and look down.

"But you do have time to tell me your name" He said in defense "But my name is Kaden."He added.

"Hey Kaden my name is Gemma and I'll be heading to class now."I say and snatch my hand out of his hand. I didn't want to embarrass myself any further.

"Ight see ya around." He said giving me a killer smile.

"Okay see ya." I forced a smile back trying not to look like a complete idiot.

Oh my gosh that guy was so hot. What is wrong with me? I mean really Gemma you could of been nicer.  Well he said see ya so I probably have another chance.


As I waited for Rachel outside of our I school I began to become worried I mean it never takes her this long to come out.

What if she died?

Now I really started to become scared.

"Where is this girl." I murmured under my breath. I started rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet. I started to pull out my phone to dial her number but I decided to give it another minute. I searched the almost empty park lot as I turned my head to the back doors I saw Rachel but she didn't look like Rachel.

"OH THERE YOU ARE RACHEL WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG WAIT OH MY GOODNESS YOU LOOK TERRIBLE ARE YOU OK?!" I exclaimed as I rushed over to her side.Man its looks like a tornado hit her.

"No,"she said shakily "Can we please just go to your house as soon as possible i'll tell you there."

"Alright."I agreed not trying to push the matter more.

As we hurried off to my BMW Kaden stops me."Hey Gemma." he said in a smooth tone.

"Hey Kaden but I'm sorry I have no time to talk right now see you tomorrow."I respond rushed.Gosh he looks so sexy right now.

"Haha your always in a rush can I at least get your number to call you later."

My number? Hey I guess I looked really good today.Just as I thought that I looked down at my outfit.I looked pretty casual just a pair of khaki skinny jeans with a red top and some Jordan's with my hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Very casual. But I'm not going to deny a sexy guys number. I mean would you?

"Um ok." We quickly exchanged numbers.

"Talk to you later." he said showing off his pearly white teeth in a sexy smile.

"Alright bye." I said quickly brushing my ponytail back once more.

With that Kaden walked away from me and Rachel and into a car with I'm guessing his friend?I turned to look at Rachel leaning against my car.

"Oh yea lets go"

I turned and hopped into the drivers side and waited for Rachel to get in.As soon as Rachel go in she turned her back and drifted off to sleep.

I guess I'm going to have to wait till we get home for some answers.

Authors Note

Kaden>>>> Sean O'donell

 Hope you like:)

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