Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Kaden's Point of View

"Give him a show baby."I whispered in Gemma's ear.She giggled and said."I will be thinking of you the whole time."

I smiled at that.I truly did like Gemma and it hurts me that I caused her any pain."Go get them Beauty"Gemma laughed again.I love hearing her laugh it's just perfect.

She leaned in and gave me a kiss.It was a peck but I couldn't get enough.Her lips were sweet it tasted pretty good.I licked my lips and saw that she had lip gloss on.Uh no wonder.

"I like you Gemma"

She looks at me directly at me."I like you too Kaden"

I smile that's all I needed to hear.I plan on by this week she will be mine.

"Go on give him a show baby"

"Remember all I know it's you I'm grinding on okay"She looks up me asking permission through her eyes.I look down trying to figure out how can someone like her be so beautiful?

"Of course now leave before he does something stupid."

"Alright bye babes"

With that she grabs his hand and leads him over to the dance floor.I go over to Rachel and Gregg who are sitting talking.

"Hey guys"

Rachel and Gregg give me their full attention."Hey buddy what's up"

I shrug.The party was really good.Rachel and Gemma were the highlights of the party.Dancing and basically giving every boy a boner,especially when they did the Wop.

"Eh just hanging"

Gregg looked around so did Rachel."Um Kaden where's my best friend?"Rachel kept looking around searching for Gemma.

I point over to Kantas and Gemma.I turn to face them and I didn't like what I saw.

"HOLY SHIT!"Gregg screeched.

Oh My God..This couldn't be happening.Kantas was basically raping Gemma.I KNEW IT HA! I KNEW IT I proved you wrong Gemma.But that doesn't matter right now I just need my baby safe in my arms right now.

All three of us race over to Gemma.I get a closer look and see tears running down her face.I run over to Kantas but Rachel gets to him first.She taps his shoulder as he turns around he's met with a punch from Rachel.

Only one word.Damn.That girl packs a punch.Kantas falls to the ground.This is our cue to get the hell out of here.Rachel grabs Gemma's hand and runs out the door with me and Gregg on their tail.It was kind of hard trying to get through the sweaty bodies of drunk teens.We finally reach outside and jump into Gregg's Tahoe.

I get in the back seat with Gemma while Rachel gets into the front seat.Gregg pulls out of the driveway and speeds home.I turn to look at Gemma who has tears running down her beautiful face.I unbuckle her seat belt and pick her and place her  in my lap.She snuggles into my chest and sobs.Loud.Very loud.I chuckle at her crying she really does have a funny cry.

She looks up from my chest."Why are you laughing?"

I won't tell her I'm laughing at her.She's already hurt and I don't wanna hurt her feelings more.

"At how I proved you wrong."It was kinda of a lie but still the truth.

I turn my head to look out the window.She places her head on my neck."Thank you Rachel."

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