Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Gemma's Point of View

The next morning Rachel wasn't next to me so I figured she went home for breakfast.I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom.I plugged my phone into my iHome and played the song The Way.I finished my shower as the song ended and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel walked out and into my closet.

Since it was the weekend me and Rachel would usually just chill at each other houses so I decided to dress and a pair black cropped sweats and a purple scoop neck T-shirt and a pair of my Grapes 5 Jordan's with my hair in a regular ponytail.I grabbed my bag and unplugged my phone from the dock and shoved it in my bag made my bed and walked out my room.

I passed James room and checked on him he was sound asleep in a crazy position.I silently chuckled to myself and headed downstairs.As I walked downstairs breakfast for me and James were already made with a note from Moms saying she had to leave early for a meeting and Dads went to work.I quickly ate my food and left the house.I walked the short distance to Rachel house.

I walked until I was in front of her gate I punched in the numbers and the gates opened.I walked up to her front door and knocked on the door.

"Hey Gemma  how are you sweetie?" Rachels Mom Eva answered the door. She stepped aside to let me into the house.Once I was in I took off my shoes.Eva hated when we walk on her Persian carpets with shoes on. It's not I hated the woman but she seemed to never have time for Rach.

"I'm great and you?"

"Fine thank you for asking Rachels in the den help yourself." Eva said guiding her hand over to the den area.

"Thank you talk to you soon."

With that I walked over to the den and saw Rachel sitting upside down texting somebody.I decided to scare her since she was unaware of my presence.I got down and crawled over to her and sat carefully next to her and sat in the same position.

"Hey baby let me touch you later on tonight." I said in a deep voice

"AH!" Rachel screamed rolled over and fell face first onto the hardwood floor.

I couldnt stop laughing as she sat up and pushed the hair out of her face and gave me a nasty look.

"You know you could of just walked in like a normal person." Rachel mumbled.

"Now where's the fun in that sweet cheeks?"I smiled then got up to help Rachel off the floor.Once she was up she went back to her weird postion on the sofa.I just sat crossed leg.

"True I've would've done the same." Rachel said shrugging she turned her body so that she was facing me. "Now what do you wanna do today?" Rachel clapped her hands and starting bouncing in her seat.

Now thinking of it we never really havent been shopping in a while because when we wanted to well you know the rest."Hey lets go to the mall?"

Rachel got up and did a little happy dance "YAY!! Lets invite Gregg!"

I smirked knowing that something is going on between them."Sure now go get dress be at my house in five"

Rachel was still in the t-shirt with no pants on."Hey Rachel!"

She stopped mid-way up the stairs and turned around."Yea?"

"Did you walk from my house to your house with no pants on?"

Rachel blushed and whisperd a yes then ran up the stairs.

"This girl is something else." I giggled.

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