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8 Years Later


I laugh."Rachel why must you be so rough with my children?"

She stops chasing Mia around and looks up at me. Rachel places her hands on her hips and bits her bottom lip."Girl you act like she's an angel!"

I laugh again."MAMI AUNTIE RACHEL SAIS SHE GONNA HIT ME!" My daughter yells at me.

I give Rachel an pointed look.She shrugs and smakes Mia's booty."She tried me she better learn her limits!"

Gregg comes behind Rachel and begins swaying their bodies back and forth."Why can't you leave Gemma and Kaden's kids alone?"

She turns her head and stares at her husband."MIA CALLED ME UGLY!"

We all laugh at Rachel, She's still that crazy girl with the big booty.It's been eight years since my Mom and Dad passed.Rachel's Mom remarried and moved to London with her new husband  we've haven't heard from her ever since.

Life has been a bit sane but still crazy with Rachel running around.

I pick up Mia and rest her on my hip. Mia, my second child. I have three yes, three. Let me tell you it's not all fun and games but I love being a mother.

Kaden and I  tied the knot four years ago same with Rachel and Gregg.Since we all are great friends we had a joint wedding and I enjoyed every moment of that special day.

"Baby can you come help me with this?" Kaden asked as he picked up the small little puppy.We decided that we should get a family dog.The little cutie is a husky with his soft delicate gray and white fur.His icy green eyes are what made me and Rachel fall head over heels with him.

As of the moment we're all having a little family day in our  backyard. Kaden and I decided we would love to raise our kids in the house where I've grown in.

I laugh as our son Jonah was repeatedly hitting the poor puppy with his shoe.Kaden tried to take the puppy away from Jonah. Mia's little giggles chorusing through my ears. Jonah had his Fathers looks his brown hair with little blonde streaks here and there.His bright brown eyes almost an hazel color.He's going to be a lady killer when he's older.

"Hey little boy what did I say about abusing Toby?"

Jonah musters the cutest puppy dog face ever."TOBY BITE ME AND I HIT HIM BACK!"

I laugh and ruffle his hair."Say sorry buddy."

He smiles and runs towards me hugging my legs."Sorry Mami."

"Your forgiven baby now go play with Uncle James."


Jonah is only two years same as Mia my oldest is Gale who is three.Me and Kaden had her just a year after we married.

Kaden walks over to me grabbing my waist, pulling me into his chest making sure not to hurt Mia.I named Mia after my mother just because she reminds me of her so much.Her loud,banging persona with looks identical to Mama only thing she has curly hair like my father.

Kaden leans in a gives me a kiss."Love you baby."

Mia yelps happily at this.She reaches over and cups Kadens with her little hands she kisses his lips."LOVE YOU PAPI!"

We both laugh at her boldness. Mia very girly it's too adorable. Jonah is my little man he takes right after his father as a little ladies man.Gale is very in between she's more like Rachel a wild child.

I set Mia down as she runs over to Lucas and kisses his lips."I LOVE YOU LUKIE!"

I laugh again as Kaden pulls me into his side kissing my forehead. I close my eyes and sigh happily.I grab his hand and walk over to Rachel, Gregg, James and Emily. Emily is James wife she's a bubbly blonde with big boobs(Yes really big boobs) and green eyes  I was a little hesitate about her when we first met but she's a real sweetheart and make James happy that's all I can ask for.

Rachel and Gregg have four kids.Yes four! Lucas who is their oldest is three Janice who is two same as Indy and little Gregg who is only a year. Lucas and Indy look straight like their Daddy with brown hair and green eyes as for Janice and Gregg look just like Rachel with their velvet red hair and brown eyes.

James and Emily have only one child Drake who is eight. He looks like Emily with his Blonde hair and green eyes.

I look out into the yard and just see all the kids having fun enjoying their youth.Kaden sits and pulls me into his lap. We're all sitting down at our little adult table Rachel sitting on Gregg's lap and Emily sitting on James."This is nice sitting down watching the kids play and enjoy themselves."

We all smile.Gregg takes a sip of beer same for Kaden and James.

"Yeah it really is."

"I have a question." This has been bothering since that fateful night with Kantas.As for him he was trialed for the posing of drugs and kidnapped he was sentenced to 89 years in prison. Crazy right.

"Go ahead shoot."

"Why did all of this happen like with Kantas and stuff."

Kaden, Gregg and James eyes go wide.Me and Rachel stare at all three of the boys waiting for an answer.Emily looks at James encouragingly seems like she already knows the answer.

"I was a drug dealer."

Shocked me and Rachel stare at James with wide eyes."Kaden and Gregg were working for me I never did drugs I just deal them."

"But why budda?"

"Honestly I don't know why I just did. . You know extra cash and all."

I turn to look at Kaden."And for you? Did you do drugs?"

I wasn't mad I just wanted answers."No we just wanted extra cash same as James."

I nod looking at James to continue his story."Well Kantas was our rival he was just so interested in you and Rachel as soon as he find out Rachel had Gregg he came after you."

I nod.This is a lot to take in but after a sip of beer and a kiss from Kaden I was good.

"Man I guess I was ugly then." Rachel said as she picks up little Gregg holding him against her chest.

We all laugh at that."You weren't ugly your beautiful!"Gregg said kissing her lips gentle.

"So I was the-"

Gregg, Kaden and James all smirk and say in union.

"The Boss Sister."

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