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As I awaken, the carriage jolts and sways along the winding mountain path. The sun is just beginning to rise, casting long shadows over the rugged terrain. The mountains tower on both sides of the path, with their jagged peaks looming ominously in the distance. The sunrise colors that I love so much but rarely have the opportunity to see make the sky look otherworldly.

Although I was certain that the new experience of a carriage ride would cause regular travel issues, I fell asleep rather quickly yesterday. Fortunately, as I didn't want to reveal my literal internal contents to the King so soon. As the carriage ventures deeper into the mountains, the light begins to fade, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Trees are sparse here, and the grass is thin and brittle, crackling underfoot as the horses plod along.

As I glance up at Alasdair, I notice he's either sleeping fitfully or deeply lost in thought with his eyes shut

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As I glance up at Alasdair, I notice he's either sleeping fitfully or deeply lost in thought with his eyes shut. His breathing is irregular for someone who is sleeping, and his body seems tense. Perhaps he prefers to be left alone or maybe he is exercising his power of all-seeing . I chuckle to myself, but I am uncertain if I should initiate any interaction. Instead, I recline against the pillow and retreat into my own thoughts.

Since I arrived in Nightmaria, I have had scant opportunities to ponder my new circumstances. The events transpired so rapidly that I could never find enough time to reflect on them deeply.

I wonder how my father is doing now. It had been a while since I last saw him before I was brought here. I hope he is well. He always comes back home in the end.

My thoughts then turn to my school. There isn't much there that I miss, and I never had any friends, so it is unlikely that anyone misses me either. We are safe at this point — I smile to myself.

As I contemplate the people who might have noticed my disappearance, my mother comes to mind. I hope she is safe and happy wherever she is now, perhaps in a new and stable home. Who knows, she might have even had a new child by now, maybe even a daughter. I wonder what name she would give her... I am not sure if she even remembers mine. In fact, her image seems to be fading from my memory, as if she never existed, as if I never had anyone to call "Mom".

I am brought back to reality by a sudden jolt as the carriage hits a rock and I am almost thrown out of my seat. Alasdair opens his eyes and instinctively reaches out to help me.

"Good morning, Elle. I'm so sorry you had to wake up like this," he says, looking apologetic.

"It's alright," I reassure him as I sit up and try to look more alert. "I was already awake, everything's fine."

"I hope so," he says with a smile.

"Did you manage to get some sleep?" I ask, hesitating to inquire further about his visions.

"Sort of," he replies, and I decide not to push the matter.

"The view of the mountains is spectacular!" I exclaim, trying to change the subject. "Thank you for bringing me along. Seeing the sunrise in the mountains is a rare treat, and the colors are absolutely breathtaking."

He gives me a warm, slightly shy smile.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Elle. I'm almost afraid to ask, but did you sleep well? Were you comfortable?"

"I slept perfectly, Sir, and I was completely comfortable. By the way, do you happen to know if we'll be making any stops today?" I ask, feeling awkward and blushing.

"I'm so sorry, Elle. I should have told you earlier. Yes, we'll be stopping at one of our counts' castles maybe within two or three hours. I was hoping you'd wake up just as we arrive there, but we can stop sooner if you'd like. I apologize again."

I notice his embarrassment, and I assure him that a few hours work perfectly for me, and I might even take another nap in the meantime. This seems to ease his worries a little.

"I'm deeply sorry for all the inconvenience, Elle. I can hardly imagine how challenging such a trip could be for a delicate lady like you."

"Please, there's no need to apologize. I'm perfectly fine, and I'm having a wonderful time. Look at the mountains! They're almost blue now, and the other peak, is it purple-orange? I can hardly believe my eyes. I've never seen anything like this before."
He finally relaxes and smiles at me.

"Yes, I'm enjoying it too. It's almost as beautiful as you, my dear."

I feel my cheeks flush.

"Is this count an orc? Are we nearing orc lands?" I ask.

"No, my dear, we still have a day's journey ahead of us. We plan to take two stops, one at the gargoyle's county to rest and change horses, and by nightfall, we should arrive at my family's place in Vampiria," he replies.

"Is it your family's home?"

"Yes, my mother's father was a vampire, and my uncle and his family are my only living relatives, apart from you," he says, giving me a smile.

The conversation I overheard between the lich ladies at the ball comes to my mind.

"Is Vampiria a separate country?" I ask.

"No, it's a crucial part of Nightmaria. It's not officially called Vampiria, but since my uncle plays a significant role in the government, and it's mostly inhabited by my distant cousins, that name just stuck," he explains.

"You've never mentioned your uncle or your family before. What are they like?" I ask, feeling uneasy at the thought of meeting them so soon after such a tiresome journey.
"They are decent people, and my uncle helped me a lot after my father's death.
However, they might come across as a bit stiff. I'm actually glad you're here with me today because I've always felt a bit uncomfortable around them. But that's just me. You have nothing to worry about. They are highly accomplished individuals," he reassures me.

His words do little to bolster my confidence. Stiff aristocrats who might view me as a snack don't sound appealing to me. I want to ask more questions, but suddenly, Alasdair shouts at the coachman to stop and rushes to shield me. Within seconds, a deafening sound of falling stones presses me back into the seat.

 Within seconds, a deafening sound of falling stones presses me back into the seat

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