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A sudden jolt sends a wave of pain through my head. The sound of falling stones echoes in my ears, deafening yet distant. I can't help but think that if the accident had happened just a moment later, I wouldn't have to worry about meeting Alasdair's family. But for now, we are safe.

"It's okay now, Elle. Don't be scared. It's over," Alasdair says, his warm hands holding mine. His eyes, usually stern and focused, now show a hint of fear. It's a rare vulnerability that makes my heart swell.

"Your eyes are so beautiful, Alasdair," I say, reaching out to him.

He flinches, as if surprised by my sudden affection. "Oh, Elle, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, you must be in shock," he says, his voice thick with guilt.

"No, I'm fine," I say, trying to steady my breathing. "Just a little disoriented. The sound was so loud. It's still ringing in my ears. Could you give me a minute?"

"Of course, my dear," Alasdair says, "I'll go outside and check what's going on. Do you need anything? Water, maybe?"

I shake my head, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "No, I'm good. careful out there, okay?"

He gives me a small smile, the lines on his face deepening. "I will. Don't worry about me."

Alasdair steps out of the carriage, his eyes scanning the road ahead. A load of stones, boulders the size of melons, block our path, tumbling down from the hillside above.

The air is thick with dust, and the smell of crushed stone and earth fills my nostrils. I peer out the window, watching as Alasdair and the coachman confer, their heads together like conspirators.

A few minutes later, he returns.

"We'll have to take a different route, my dear. I'm terribly sorry. I've put you in grave danger. It won't happen again."

"It's all right. I've made the right decision to come with you."

He gives me a small, sorrowful smile as the horses continue walking.

"We'll be stopping soon, Elle. Don't worry, so we can all rest."

"Are we not going to visit the Count, then?"

"Unfortunately, we can't right now. I'll send him a letter and ask for the road to be cleared. But we can't wait that long."

I lay my head on his shoulder and drift off into a restless sleep. In my dream, Alasdair's kind and compassionate eyes appear, but suddenly, an image of Percy enters my mind, and his intense stare fills me with unease. It's as if he's warning me, "You're putting yourself in grave danger. Don't say I didn't warn you."

As I awaken, I rub my eyes to shake off the drowsiness and gaze out of the carriage window. A curious village comes into view, one that seems out of place in the daylight. This village is unlike any other I have ever seen. The uneven roofs of the houses and buildings stand tall and crooked. Some are so high that they seem to touch the sky, while others are strangely small. The peculiar shapes of the houses reflect the diversity of their monstrous inhabitants.

 The peculiar shapes of the houses reflect the diversity of their monstrous inhabitants

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