History tower

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I have two important items on my agenda. First up is a visit to the history tower. Rabbit helps me swiftly navigate through the city and arrive at the history tower in no time. It stands prominently in the center, emanating a remarkably ancient and somewhat eerie atmosphere. Yet, I suppose it adds to the allure of history.

The archives I seek are located on the very top floor. As I ascend, I steal a quick glance at the other floors. I breeze past fascinating depictions of early nightmarian tribes, engaged in their daily activities and gathering food in the mystical forest. Next, there are exhibits showcasing exquisitely crafted weapons from distant eras, skillfully made by talented elves. Their craftsmanship is truly remarkable, I must say. Then, I leisurely stroll by displays presenting the traditional costumes of various nations, displaying a tapestry of vibrant and diverse cultures.

Ascending to the next floor, I am greeted by a breathtaking masterpiece of a painting. Its grandeur is unmatched, capturing the chaos of a raging civil war between nations—a very same conflict that unfolded in a lavish ball held in my honor. The canvas pulses with an intensity that practically engulfs me, its raw energy seeping into my very core. Multiple nations collide in a ferocious clash, their raised arms echoing defiance. Yet, amidst the chaotic scene, my gaze fixates on two figures with striking blue skin, standing at the heart of it all. Their intertwined hands form a potent symbol of unity, radiating a captivating allure that speaks volumes.

As I move forward, my attention is caught by a portrayal of the first boogeyman king. The artwork presents this mysterious character who once reigned with an unyielding grip. His resemblance to Alasdair is uncanny, yet his eyes exude a ferocity and sternness unlike anything I've seen. Gazing at this image, I can't help but question whether he was truly elected by his people for his supernatural abilities...

So much must have transformed since those days. It brings me joy to see how Alasdair has blossomed into a person defined by compassion and care, transcending the shadows of his past.

The subsequent floors unfurl a vivid tapestry of more recent history. I am immersed in a vibrant display of diverse carriage designs, captivating snapshots of skilled craftsmen and artists, and meticulously crafted dress designs. It becomes evident that the boogeymen dynasty had an unyielding dedication to propelling progress forward. The stark transformation since the war is undeniably substantial.

But before long, I am encompassed by exhibits that revolve around the conquest of elven lands and their assimilation into Nightmaria. My surroundings are adorned with numerous pictures immortalizing intense battles, while a glass case holds a proclamation that solidifies the union of Elves and Nightmaria, sealed with the royal stamp.

Yet, as I delve deeper into the gallery, the atmosphere takes a somber turn, shedding light on the less glamorous aspects, such as the elves' uprising. Among the depictions, I stumble upon an image portraying Alasdair's triumphant return astride a fearsome, malevolent beast—a towering creature that sends a chill down the spine of all who behold it. The sheer magnitude of the artwork leaves me awestruck and shivering involuntarily.

Nevertheless, amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of solace emerges from exhibits that champion progress and hope. I am greeted by displays showcasing new clothing styles, the building of new manufacturing centers, and even engineering marvels tailored specifically for the benefit of orcs.

All of this is incredibly captivating, and I can't help but feel a burning enthusiasm. I make a silent promise to myself that I'll return to the history tower after the wedding. I must know every detail of our people's past.

However, for now, it's time to focus on the task at hand. Finally, I arrive at the archives. A gargoyle lady, with an air of wisdom, places numerous books before me, all relevant to the period since Alasdair's father ascended to the throne. The sheer volume of images, letters, and documents is overwhelming. How can I possibly go through all of this in just one day? Even in one year it would be a monumental task.

At first, a sense of helplessness washes over me as I navigate through the overwhelming amount of papers. But then, a glimmer of hope appears in the form of a drawing. It depicts the wedding of Alasdair's parents, and as I gaze at the picture, I can't help but admire his beautiful mother. His father, on the other hand, was indeed a monster. Thankfully, Alasdair inherited his mother's looks.

My eyes catch a date scribbled on the corner of the drawing, and suddenly, I have a lifeline to guide me through the sea of documents. With this newfound clue, the task becomes slightly simpler.

As I delve deeper, I stumble upon the infamous ban on trespassing the royal lands, including the lake. The sheer number of people evicted shocks me to the core; entire villages wiped out. But what piques my curiosity is the absence of the king's signature on the order. I distinctly remember seeing his signature on the documents signed before his marriage. Instead, there's a royal stamp. From this point forward, most of the papers bear only stamps, with very few exceptions like holiday declarations or fancy events.

Further along, I come across records of the royal family's expenses. Though the local currencies are a bit of a maze to decipher, one thing is clear—the expenses far exceed the income. And as if that weren't enough, numerous orders to raise taxes follow, all confirmed with that distinct royal stamp.

Suddenly I stumble upon something that demands my full attention. It's a letter, written by Alasdair's mother, addressed to a vampire relative. The letter mysteriously reads:

My dear Flora,

My heart is racing with fear for the future of both myself and my dear husband and son. I am uncertain of how much time remains, so please wait for me at the designated place.


My eyes land on a startling piece of paper. It bears news of the queen's deteriorating condition, and then an announcement of mourning throughout the kingdom follows.

It strikes me as odd. If the queen's illness was what she hinted at in her letter, it doesn't quite add up why she would want to meet her sister and potentially endanger her life. Perhaps she wasn't aware of the infectious nature of her ailment. Yet, what truly concerns me is the hand-drawn image of a bleeding rose, left upon the letter by its author.

It's all too strange, I must admit. The symbolism is unmistakable – a signature of the vampires. However, I was under the impression that the use of such symbols had long been abandoned, with the exception of one individual...

I carefully tuck away the letter, reassuring myself that I am not violating any rules. As the future queen, this document holds governmental importance, and it's my duty to keep it secure.

I dash down the stairs, my steps hurried and filled with excitement. The anticipation almost causes me to forget about stopping at Raven's on our way back. Maybe I can send someone later, I ponder, reassuring myself that a mere ten minutes won't make a difference.

We reach the restaurant, and I quickly instruct Rabbit to remain in the carriage. I promise to be back in a flash and hastily make my way inside.

To no surprise, there are no other customers present. The restaurant is closed for wedding preparations, but the diligent cooks are still hard at work in the bustling kitchen.

Raven, with his usual cheerful smile, greets me warmly. However, the moment he shuts the kitchen door behind him, his expression changes in an unnatural manner. A wave of instinctual fear washes over me, and I feel the urge to scream. But before a sound can escape my lips, everything around me fades to black.

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