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We leave the place in the early morning, and a sense of immense relief washes over me. It's been a while since I felt this liberated. Alasdair's relatives turned out to be exactly as I had imagined, if not worse. However, amidst the sea of their aloofness and superiority, Jenny shines like a beacon of humanity and understanding. I marvel at how she has managed to preserve her compassion in such a challenging atmosphere.

Observing Alasdair, I notice a subtle relaxation in his demeanor. Despite his high regard for his uncle, even he appears to be relieved after the unfriendly visit.

"I believe it went rather well," Alasdair comments with a touch of optimism.

Internally, I can't help but chuckle. He considers this a success? While they may not have been overtly rude, their stiffness and arrogance were palpable, as they flaunted their superiority at every opportunity.

"Yes, indeed. Your family is certainly accomplished, just as you mentioned," I reply, a hint of sarcasm lacing my words.

Alasdair's laughter fills the air, breaking the tension that lingered from the encounter.

"Don't take it personally, Elle. My uncle has an opinion on everything, and he believes he's always right. But that's not always the case. I love you even more after seeing how lovely you were in your attempts to win them over," Alasdair reassures me.

I try to brush off his comment, not allowing it to dwell in my mind. Then, in a reflective tone, he adds, "I stopped trying a long time ago."

I ponder his words for a moment, wondering who could possibly meet their family's expectations. But I quickly redirect the conversation.

"Your cousin Jenny is such a delightful person. Her kindness is truly remarkable," I say, shifting the focus to someone more agreeable.

"Ah, Jenny, an otherworldly personality. A bit too dreamy though," Alasdair remarks, his words making me wonder if he had once considered her as a potential match. But why should I care? She surpasses me in every aspect, and it's just a miracle that he didn't choose her as his bride.

The landscape gradually transforms, and the quality of light improves. The carriage jolts and sways, navigating its way along the winding path. The horses exert themselves, their breath visible in the crisp mountain air. The rising sun casts elongated shadows over the rugged terrain, painting a picturesque scene. The towering mountains flank the path, their jagged peaks looming ominously in the distance.

As we venture deeper into the mountains, the light starts to fade, creating an eerie atmosphere. The sparse trees and thin, brittle grass underfoot crackle with each step of the horses. The air grows still, and a sense of anticipation lingers in the surroundings. The carriage continues its journey, steadily making its way through the rugged terrain, embracing the mystery and allure of the mountainous landscape.

The horses snort and paw at the ground, their eyes wide and alert, sensing the lurking danger that awaits around each bend in the path. Their determination remains unwavering, their powerful legs propelling the carriage forward through the treacherous terrain.

Amidst the unforgiving mountains, where the landscape is rugged and the paths are precarious, I catch sight of people toiling away, their bodies engaged in arduous labor. Exhaustion etches deep lines on their faces, and their clothes bear the marks of dirt and grime, telling tales of their relentless work.

Despite the weariness that weighs upon them and the hardships they endure, these individuals possess a striking beauty. Their skin is bronzed by the sun, a testament to hours spent under its unrelenting gaze, and their muscles have been honed through years of demanding labor. There is an undeniable fierceness in their eyes, a flame of determination that keeps them going through the long and difficult days. Towering and formidable orcs observe their work, basking in their own sense of self-importance.

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