Chapter 23

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Jordan's POV

I woke up the next morning to Carly sleeping next to me when I realised what we got up to last night I smiled to myself not wanting to ruin the moment I tried to fall back to sleep but my phone rang I got out of bed and took my phone outside Carly's room not wanting to disturb her it was Cory I sighed and answered the phone

"Where are ya"
"God calm down I'm at Carly's what's up?"
"I've been calling ya since last night Lola's in the hospital she got spiked last night she's been so poorly man we need you"
"What? I'm coming now is she alright?"
"Just get here will ya" he hangs up I rush to get dressed and I got over there straight away

"What's happening Cory?" I look at him he's sat outside a room he looks exhausted I felt so guilty for not being around sooner

"They're trying to wake her up, I couldn't do anything for her man they were just doing all this stuff to her what if they hurt her Jord?" Cory looks at me he's crying I grab him into a hug
"She's gonna be alright she's strong alright they aren't hurting her for the sake of it they're trying to bring her back to us yeah?" I hug him tightly he grabs onto me and breaks down I don't say anything I just try and calm him down

Cory's POV

I was sitting outside Lola's room when I saw Jordan come I was angry at him for not showing up sooner but I didn't let on, he'd been here for half an hour when she woke up

"Hey sis" I smile at her, she looks over at Jordan but doesn't say a word
"How are you feeling?" Jordan smiles
"No no" she shakes her head and gets upset  

 "Hey it's alright we've got you, you're safe" I soothed. I hugged her gently she gripped onto my hood                                                                                                                                                                                         

"I want to go home Cory," Lola says her voice cracking as she spoke

"We'll take you home we've gotta get you better first you've got that surprise to get to" I smiled at her hoping to make her smile she kept looking at Jordan she tensed up whenever he got close to her

"Lola it's me I won't hurt ya" Jordan looks at her, and she looked away            

"What's up? it's only our Jordan" I smile at her trying to put her at ease the doctor told us she could be a little confused when she woke up but there was more to this she never wanted away from Jordan if anything she'd be chatting his ear off about anything usually.

"You didn't do what he asked you!" Lola said and fell back to sleep too exhausted to form any more words, I looked at Jordan and shook my head I wanted to deck him and knock him into next week, I dragged him outside so we didn't disturb her.

"What does she mean? is this because of you? I swear if I find out it is I'll break your legs" I snapped but in a quiet tone, he sighed I saw tears form in his eyes but he blinked them away.

"Emily's dad wanted me to do a deal for him I told him I don't do that stuff anymore he threatened me and told me he'd send one of his blokes to get me" he sighed     

 "I was stuck I thought it would have been me he went for not our Lola," he said through his teeth, I shook my head

"They always go for the most defenceless ones what chance did she have against him hey? what chance did she have? You'd better sort this or I swear to god I'll be doing time as I'll kill the bloke myself" I snapped, Clarice walked over to us she looked at Jordan

"Could we have the names of the people who you think were involved please?" she asked him

"I can't grass them up they'll kill me" he sighed, I looked at him

"This stops now! we need to stop these people they'll come back for more who knows what they'll do next I don't care what any of you say I'm taking her back to Ackley" I announced I didn't care if Jordan came too. 

"Thought you said Ackley was a step backwards" Jordan looked at me was he choosing to speak like this when this was his mess? 

"Give her their names please?" I looked at him I didn't want to cause a scene in front of Clarice but I was fuming with him

"Emily Grant, Peter Grant and Mark Grant, I think Mark did it," Jordan said as he looked down 

"Thank you, you've done the right thing you're not at fault here as such but you should have notified the police sooner as Lola would not have been put in danger like this. Maybe it would be beneficial for you all to leave London" she said, Jordan looked down 

"We can't go we've got our lives here, Lola's got 6th form, friends we've got jobs here and stuff," Jordan says in protest                             

"I think the best thing to do to move forward is to talk to Lola to see how she would feel about going back to Ackley we can help sort out a transfer for her you wouldn't need to sort it yourselves we'd give you the support you need to set up a home there" Clarice smiles she wanted to help us

"Thank you" I smiled at her

"You always want to stick your nose in our business when can you ever leave us alone? we're fine as we are we don't need anything from non of ya" Jordan snapped and walked off 

"I'm sorry about him he gets a bit overwhelmed with everything sometimes" I sigh sticking up for him.

"I understand this is a difficult decision to make," Clarice said warmly, I looked through Lola's window and saw that she was awake again.

Lola's POV

I woke up to the sound of familiar voices loud voices as I opened my eyes I wondered where I was why was the ceiling white why could I feel a sharpness in my hand why was pressure on my face when I finally got my bearings I realised I was in the hospital to say I felt shit was an understatement I almost felt as If I'd been hit by a train, when I saw Cory I relaxed a little but as soon as I saw Jordan I remembered what that man said, I engaged for a little bit and then fell back to sleep when I woke up for the second time was when I was more alert.

"Hey Cor" I smiled at him, and his face lit up when heard me spoke he moved his chair closer to me

"Hey Lo, dreaming good dreams eh?" he smiled at me 

"Nah can't remember any of it, Are you okay?" I asked him he looked exhausted but wanted to ask anyway.

"You kept me awake all night I was so worried about you," he said softly 

"Bro you don't need to worry about me I'm alright" I smiled at him

"I'll always worry about you you're my little butterfly aren't ya" he smiles at me, he's not said that for ages I mean years

"Little butterfly who lives on sugarpie lane" I smile recalling back to a children's book we used to read when I was young. 

"That's it" he smiled at me 

"They said you can come home tomorrow if your vitals stay normal" he looks at me 

"Awesome, I'm sorry that I missed your surprise," I said feeling a little guilty 

"You're more important than anything you know that Lola? me and Jord would do anything for ya" he looked at me 

"Thank you" I smiled at him they always made me feel like a million dollars no matter what was going on.

I spent the next night in the hospital and was given the all-clear to go home it's safe to say I've been so lucky. when I got back home I was so happy with what I got back to I genuinely was the luckiest girl in the world. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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