Chapter 5

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As me and Cory walked into school the next morning, we noticed that people were looking at us, some were whispering and pointing, and others were laughing.

"What's everyone gawping at us for" I moaned, feeling like I was some sort of museum artefact on display at school.

"I don't know, just ignore them come on" Cory said placing both hands on my shoulders and walking me away from the other kids.

"Oi Lola are your shoes too small for ya? Your dad won't know because he can't look after you" Anisha jibed as we passed her in the playground, Alya smirked as her friend spoke.

"Button it" Cory fumed as we walked into school. I shook my head at her she was relentless.

"At least my parents know how to cook and clean, they don't rely on me to do it" Anisha added cockily ignoring Cory. I saw red, if it wasn't for Cory holding me back I would have punched her straight between the eyes.

"Get lost! You know nothing about us so don't try and act like you do!" I spat, trying to break free from Cory's grip.

"Lola just ignore her this is what she wants" Cory said quietly hoping to calm me down.

"I've been calm for way too long" I added, death glaring Anisha and Alya.

"What's going on here?" Miss Keane asked as she saw Cory pulling me away from Anisha.

"She was calling me names again miss" Anisha fake cried, the other kids around nodding in agreement.

"Yeah she was miss" Alya said shaking her head at me.

"She said nothing to you Anisha!" Cory spat, miss Keane looked at Cory sympathetically.

"I know Lola's your sister, but you can't keep sticking up for her when she's doing wrong" she said, I wanted to scream this was getting out of hand why were my teachers taking sides with her again.

I walked off and headed into the girl's toilets I needed a few minutes to myself, as I turned away the tears came.

"If you think that's the reaction of a bully then you've got this dead wrong" Cory pointed towards me, I didn't turn back I carried on walking. When I got to the toilets, I locked myself into a cubicle and here was where I lost track of my emotions.

After I'd finished crying, I went to wash my face with my hands to try and hide the evidence.

I looked up to the mirror and saw miss Keane walk beside me.

"Lola do you want to talk about this?" she asked picking up on my emotions.

"Yeah" I nodded my eyes red from crying.

"let's go to my room I've got a free lesson this morning you can have as long as you need" miss Keane said warmly.

"Okay" I said agreeing to talk about it, I wanted to stop this now I didn't know how much more I could take.

When we got to her room, I felt a little better knowing that I had someone to talk to, I know I had my dad, Cory and Jordan to talk to, but I needed someone else too, someone who wasn't always on my side.

"I know this isn't you Lola, Chloe showed me something this morning. There's a picture going around of you Cory and your dad last night. Anisha accidentally left a watermark on her post so I know it was her who sent it around the school" miss Keane announced, I was horrified.

"So that's why people were pointing at me and Cory when we got here" I sighed.

"How long has this been going on love?" she asked.

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