Chapter 3

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Once I'd finished the last sentence of the chapter, I started to think about going back to Lucy and Charles's, I figured I could lie and tell them I was at Eva's she would cover for me she always did, and I often did the same for her. I got out of bed and picked up my bag, I tip toed down the stairs in case dad came home and caught me. Thankfully I made my way out of the house and placed the spare key on the door mat, I thought I could come here tomorrow night too it'll be nice to keep coming back. I walked into town, phone in hand as it was a little dark out. I thought about today's trouble at school I could cope with Anisha and Alya being a pain but what I couldn't understand was how Riz and Cory were fighting, they were best friends so what were they fighting about. I phoned Cory as I walked, ignoring the text messages and other phone calls that were coming through.

"Hey sorry I missed your call what's up?"

"Where are you Lola? I've had your carers on the phone asking if you were with me."

"I've just been at our house; I came home straightaway I needed some space. Anisha and Alya started again. What's going on between you and Riz?"

"For god sake Lola you can't do that again, you can't be seen near dad it'll make things worse. Where are ya? I'll walk you back. Nothing he just thinks you're starting trouble we got into a little scuffle about it don't worry about us."

"I'm by the fish and chip shop. Will you cover for me? I don't want Lucy to find out about me going home. Wow if only he knew what was really going on."

"Course I will, you got any money? Go and wait inside the chip shop there's all sorts of weirdos out at night. I'll keep an eye out for you just try and not react to them because it's what they want. They think we're like Jordan."

"Yeah, I've got enough for a cone, thanks Cory I could do with a bit of company. I want to prove to them that I aren't I missed my audition because of them I've got no chance now."

"I'll be 10 minuets, have a word with Miss Keane tomorrow she'll let you have another go she's hell bent on you being in that musical I know she is."

"I'll see you in a bit. I'll see her first thing in the morning I'd rather do it on my own anyway can't have the pack of hyenas watching."

"Don't use all your credit I can't give you a tenner till Saturday. They'll soon change when they hear you sing."

"Okay I've got quite a bit left I'm trying to text more than anything. I can't have them hear me they'll only mock me even more."

"Listen don't worry about anything they say to ya, remember what mum always said the more a person picks on you the more they want to be you."

I quickly ended the conversation and waited for him to come and meet me, it didn't take him long because he arrived in less than 10 minuets. We both walked to Lucy and Charlie's when we got there Cory rang the doorbell, when Lucy answered the door she sighed with relief and pulled me into a hug.

"Lola I've been worried sick about you Mrs, where om earth have you been" Lucy said thankful to have me back safely.

"She was at Eva's as soon as you phoned me, I had an idea of where she might be, so I went around to bring her back" Cory added, pleased with himself.

"Are you sure? I phoned Eva's mum and she said you'd ran off before your audition" Lucy mentioned a little sternly.

"I went to the park to calm down I couldn't go to Eva's in a bad mood" I beamed with a smile on my face.

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