Chapter 8

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"Lola you need to calm down, I can't help you if you carry on like this" Jordan sighed, he wasn't annoyed with me he'd just done all he could.

"I can't" I stammered, in dad's bedroom there were some clothes which matched the man who was arguing with him and Cory all sorts of scenarios were flying through my head none of them good.

"You can, look at me come on" he said, placing his hands on my shoulders, I looked up at him and started to calm down a little.

"See you're alright, I told you that if you calmed down, you'd start to feel better didn't I" he soothed, although we didn't get on all the time there were times when we did.

"You did" I nodded, I took a seat on my bed and felt my breathing go back to normal.

"Want ought to eat?" Jordan asked, as he headed out of my room.

"Beans on toast please" I beamed I wasn't really that hungry but seeing as he was offering.

"Bloody hell Lola what do you think I am a chef" Jordan laughed.

"Well you better be as that's what I want" I smiled, He tutted and head downstairs to make the food.

Once I'd eaten, I started to feel a bit better, I thought if I let the dust settle, I could go and speak to dad on his own, I was convinced that there was something wrong. I went downstairs and found Cory sat on his phone dad wasn't in.

"Where's dad?" I asked, hoping to speak to him before the night was out.

"He's gone out with some bird I think should be back in a few hours" Cory announced, not taking his eyes off his phone screen.

"Who're you texting" I beamed looking at his phone thinking he might have himself a lady friend.

"None of your business nosey parker now bugger off" Cory laughed, lifting his phone out of my way, I grabbed it from him and held it up high.

"You're not getting it back till you tell me who you're texting" I laughed, this was a regular occurrence in our house it was usually Cory doing it to me.

"Who says I'm texting, phones can do other things you know" he said attempting to grab it back. Suddenly dad came through the front door he smelt of stale booze.

"Oi you two stop fighting" he spat, as he walked into the living room.

"We're not fighting" I protested, I regretted opening my mouth as dad seemed to take it the wrong way.

"Don't answer me back! Who do you think you are eh?" he rebuked, I gulped.

"I'm sorry I was only saying, we were just messing" I said softly hoping to deflect the situation.

"You shouldn't be acting like little kids in my house act your age!" Dad fumed; Cory had heard enough.

"Leave her alone dad, go up to bed come on" Cory said getting up and helping him out of the room.

"Don't worry Lo he'll have forgotten in the morning, he didn't mean to shout" Cory said comfortingly, he did this a lot to try and make me feel better. He was right he always forgot in the morning but none of us did we just learn to sweep what he says under the carpet.

"Jordan can you come down and help me please" Cory called up the stairs, he came down quickly and helped, I tried too but the boys told me to sit back down as dad was heavy and I could get hurt if he slipped or anything. After about 10 minuets Jordan and Cory joined me in the living room, they asked me to choose something to watch, I put on MTV and the UK top 40 was on, I turned it down slightly, so it didn't disturb dad.

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