Chapter 10

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Eva helped me set up an airbed in her room and the boys were settled in the spare room.

"You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need to" Eva's mum beamed.

"Thank you, is there anything we can do about our stuff?" I asked, most of our possessions were taken and I really wanted to know if I had a chance of seeing them again.

"I don't know but I'll try and get some back for you, as soon as the office opens tomorrow, I'm going to see what I can do" she said softly.

"Thank you, why does all this bad stuff keep happening to my family" I sighed, although it had only been a short time it was a really tough time.

"I'm not sure sweetie, but what I do know is that you're one of the strongest kids I know, and you should be proud of that" she added, I smiled.

"I just want things to go back to normal, I know it sounds bad, but all this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for them opening Ackley Bridge" I announced. It was true if it wasn't for us starting a new school things would have been okay Anisha wouldn't have joined a new friendship group and dad wouldn't have gotten himself into so much trouble.
"Oh, Lola this doesn't have anything to do with that, give it time and you'll start to love going there it's only early days yet" she sighed, it seemed like she was sick of hearing people criticize the school.

Me and Eva were practising what we were going to sing for the talent show, we decided that it would probably best to do a song written for two so we decided on 'Rewrite The Stars' from The Greatest Showman we knew most of the lyrics anyway but it was still best to rehearse.

"Eva don't you think we should create costumes?" I asked, I didn't think wearing normal clothes would cut it.

"No, we can just buy them, we can get something from the dance shop in town or if not, we can always go into Leeds" Eva suggested.

"I won't be able to afford that so I thought if we made them at school it wouldn't be so bad" I said, Cory was hoping to get a job soon, so I didn't want to pester him for any money.

"I'll see what my mum says" Eva said, leaving the room to find her mum.

"Mum!" I heard her shout as she walked downstairs.

I went to see how Jordan and Cory were getting on.

"Oh god how long does it take to blow up an air bed?" I laughed as I saw them both struggling.

"There's a hole in it" Jordan protested as he attempted to blow it up, but it kept deflating.

I laughed

"it's not funny" Cory fumed, oh yes it was.

"Move let me have a go" I pushed Jordan out of the way and had a go myself, once I blew it up, I realised what the problem was they didn't place the small plastic plug into the hole to stop the air from being released.

"Ah that's why it kept deflating" Cory said.

"We should have had a look at the instructions before we started" Jordan added.

"Yeah you should have" I laughed, leaving them to it.

The next day at school we had our first rehearsal with Miss Keane it went well but we still had a long way to go yet. Once we'd come out of the rehearsal, we walked into town to meet Miss Copperfield and my brothers for something to eat, as we walked, I noticed a noticeboard advertising jobs I looked at it thoroughly.

"Lola you're not getting a job" Eva said, picking up on my inquisitiveness.

"Why not? I need to pay for things and why shouldn't I be able to earn my own money" I said sounding annoyed.

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