Noise complaints

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Play the song straight away it works trust me turn it down when it says it gets turned down hehehe
I was sitting in my apartment blasting music crying my eyes out, my stupid boyfriend had cheated on me again. At this rate it was a regular occurrence. The neighbours would come over yell at me to turn it down and to leave his ass. And I finally did, surely I should feel better but I don't and that's when I hear the door, ignore it until they start banging on the door. I turn the music down and call out to the person on the other side of the door who's gonna tell me I need to shut the fuck up.
Y: I'm coming chill the fuck out.
As i open the door I start getting annoyed
Y: "yes I broke up with him can a girl not catch a break leave me to get my confidence bac- omg I'm sorry I thought you was the neighbour. To what do I owe the pleasure of mr landlord."

Great that bitch had called up the landlord to come and kick me out! Surely she'd understand what men are like they use you and leave you in the dirt but no. He stands at me looking me up and down until I realise I'm only in a shirt and panties.
But my landlord was hot he had neon green hair he slicked back and a red button up with black dress pants ,two guns in his gun holster. How was this the first time I've met him and he's seeing me like this.

J:sorry doll... I've been getting um noise complaints about your flat blasting music am I correct

Y: yes I'm sorry I just got carried away and didn't know it was as loud as it was.

J: have you heard of these things called headphones? Normal people use them.

Y: yes I am so sorry. Would you like a drink?

J: I don't want to be no bother young lady.

Y: trust me you'd be doing me a favour.

J: how?

Y: keeping me company after letting my ex walk all over me.

J: I'm sorry doll the man must have been stupid.

Y: please do come in, help your self to a drink I'll throw on some bottoms.

J: no need darling, I don't mind.

I walk around my kitchen to sit on one of my stools tucked neatly under my island, I watch as the man pours himself some whiskey, swirling it around the glass before leaning against my counter infront of me giving me perfect view of his chest.

J: hey funny that you don't know me from the news?

Y: I don't watch it and I don't really use my phone I'm a reader.

J: oh darling if you watched the news you'd know everything about me.

Y: so your famous?

J: I guess you could say that, I'm the joker the clown prince of crime!

Y: wait your a criminal, and you own this building.

J: oh darling don't act scared you'll turn me on

Did he just- holy shit this man is just mighty fine and I want him to just kiss me right then and there do the unholiest things to me...

Y: so busy man?

J: yep I own a lot around here. Ya see every is scared of me and I like that, with fear holds power.

Y: wait so what type of places do you own?

J: what's with all the questions! Im kidding doll, I own a club an secret hide away for me and my men and this building I guess

Y: oh- club as in...

J: strip club I hold my business meetings there

Y: of course you do

I stare at his hands holding the glass as he brings it to his lips and swallows the drink, he caught me staring but instead of saying something he took another sip and walked over to me and pulled my lips apart with his thumb, spitting the liquid into my mouth making me swallow it. He stepped back to examine my facial expression before turning back around to refill his glass like nothing happened.

J: got plans tonight doll?

Y: um no I don't, do you?

J: oh I have intentions but no plans set in stone.

Y: intentions? Like what?

J: to get to know you doll.

Y: oh okay mr j

J: no need for formalities darling

Y: what shall I call you then

J: oh darling you can call me daddy.

I analysed his fave as his face was dead serious. Daddy? He wanted me to refer to him as something sexual?

J: want some more whiskey?

Y: um yeah go on why not

I go to take the glass from him but before I know it he's towering over me, he takes a long mouthful before bending down to spit it back into my mouth.I swallow it and cringe as it burns the back of my throat

Y: I have hands

J: I think it tastes better this way, you see I think it's more fun-

Y: shut up and kiss me

He looks at me in shock by this comment that I said it, he smirked and scoffed out

J: oh baby I'm in control and I'll kiss you when I want to because I want to be the one who's doing it.

Y: I'm sorr-

And with that he's kissing me, pulling up one of my legs forcing me to stand up as he grabs my thigh while turning me putting my back into the counter knocking over the stool I was once sat on. He moved his hands to my panties and pulls on the pushing them keeping his lips intact with mine while the drop to the floor. He picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist as he carry's me to my bedroom, placing me on my bed while climbing on top of me, breaking the kiss to remove my shirt and kiss my neck down all the way until he found my clit, flicking it with his tongue, pushing me closer and closer to my climax. I intertwined my fingers with his hair as he entered his tongue into me, curling it at the right point before pulling his face away just to undo his trousers and make eye contact with me before lining himself up with my entrance.

J: you ready?

Y: yes, so ready

With that he slams himself into my hips, as he's groaning adjusting to the feeling of being inside me.

Y: ohhh dadddy

J: fuck your so tight princess

He rocks his hips back and forth until he stops when he feels my hand travelling up his body, he quickly grabs both of my hands pinning them above my head with one hand, he placed his free hand on my hip and starts thrusting harder than he was before.

J: daddy's gonna cum princess

Y: ohh shitt me too

He grabs my hip digging his nails into my skin as he releases himself inside of me, collapsing by my side pulling me into him before we both fell asleep.

Im putting a lot of faith in myself not reading it before I post it as I want to get the next part out desperately it's my fave so far. I was drunk while writing this so much apologies.
1228 words

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