Thats my husband.

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I did acc get inspired by my mate for this one so a big thanks to them <3( she just told me what she wanted to happen)

I walk into a very prestigious hotel like I own the place. I've been doing this for sometime, casually conning a sado that's booked a room, and take what ever the fuck he's got.

Y: "hello!" I greet the hotel receptionist.

HR: "welcome how may I help." They reply with a smile

I chat with them trying to glance at the hotel check in book,

Y:"I booked under Mr. J my husband" I lied seeing that name first on the top of the list.

HR:"oh the room is ready now actually perfect!" She say with a smile.

I got escorted to the penthouse, what the hell! Just my lucky day!
I walk in the room and it's more beautiful than I could have imagined.

HR:"if you need anything, please don't hesitate!" The lady says to me before hurrying off.

I run myself a bath before ordering the most expensive items off the room service menu.
I start getting undressed to get into the bath and hear footsteps. Must be the room service I ordered!!

Y: "leave it in my room somewhere. Thank you!" I yell from the bathtub. But the footsteps don't stop.The door flies open and a man with neon hair and a gun pointed straight at me stands there.

Y: "what the fuck."

He glares at me groaning.
J: "so your my wife?"

He returns his gun to his holster and leans against the door frame

J: "cat got your tongue doll?"

Y: "yes I am sorry!"

He looks at me as he pushes his hair back
While he whispers
J:"screw it"

He starts unbuttoning his half buttoned red silk shirt and undoing his belt.

J:"can I join you dear?"

Y:"what" he slips off his shirt exposing his tattoos and his chiselled abs, he finally takes his trousers off along with his boxers, I shut my eyes and turn my head away before I see too much!
I feel the water moving and a splash where he's now sat opposite me, his legs wide open but the bubbles cover his dick.

J: "nervous baby?" His eyes meet mine and a grin stretches across his pale face
I avoid talking to him and look away, i cross my arms over my chest so he can't see anything more than he has.

J: "aw don't get mad baby,daddy was just playin' "
He sarcastically frowns at me, I turn my head looking down
Y: "I'm not sad. just disappointed"
He looks at me in disbelief of what I've just said, he grabs the side of the tub closing the space between us. I feel my heat beat faster

Y:" what are you doing!" He leans back seeing my reaction to him coming closer.

J:"if I can't come to you, you'll just have to come to daddy."
I'm looking at him trying to see if he's being serious or not, before I get a chance to think he's pulled me on top of him. He grips my thighs and whispers in my ear
J:" I won't hurt you, unless you want me too"
My heart rate rapidly increases as his fingers trail up my body.
I moan out loud at the feeling of him.
before getting time to reach he has his hands around my neck making me unable to breath.

J: "I've never had a wife so who do you work for  doll? Or do I have to kill you?"
I struggle to get out of his grip, desperately trying to get some sort of air supply

J: "calm down darling. Who. Do. You. Work. For." He demands as he tightens his grip on my neck.
I let out a breathy moan, for a moment he losens his grip.
J:"...did you just?..." he sounds short of breath, scanning my facial expressions. I take that as my opportunity to push his hands off me and put my hands around his neck.
I'm trying to catch my breath while holding my hands on his neck as he does nothing but grin at me?!
In that moment I feel his hands snake around my hips.
Y:"I won't let go, you won't get free."
He just laughed at my response and sighed.
J: "who said I wanted to break free darling"
He breaks the eye contact by looking down as I feel something rubbing against my leg. I look down with him seeing his cock. Hard. Fuck he was big, I should be scared but I'm not, is it bad to say I think I'm turned on?
He looks back up as I do the same
J: "ready doll face?"

He lifts my hips up lining himself up with my entrance before pulling me onto him.
My grip on his neck loosens as he thrusts into me, spilling water everywhere.
Y: ffuuuckk
He licks his lips looking at himself going in and out of me, he pulls me forward and starts biting my neck, groaning into it.
I I place my hands on his shoulders digging my nails into him.
I throw my head back feeling the knot in my stomach get tighter as he's thrusting harder into my tiny body.
He moves his hands to my ass gripping it harder making me moan from the pleasure
J: "that's it baby"
Y: "I'm gonna cum"
J: "let it all out on daddy's dick"
Y: "fuckkkk daddyy"
I feel his cock twitch inside me as he groans into the mark he's left on my neck, I may have just met this man but I feel like I've known him forever. Maybe it's the orgasm talking but there was some kinda drugs in that man.
J: "let's go dry up for round two pretty baby."
Y: "w-wait what?"
He picks me up while he gets out of the bath placing me on the floor as he picks up a towel and walks into the bedroom.hearing his voice yell from the bed-
J: "I'm the clown prince of crime, The Joker."
Y: "I'm y/n nothing special."
J: "don't put yourself down like that pretty baby. I want to spend more time with you, as long as your not here for some wanker on buisness."
Y: "no I'm a con artist I work alone I don't need some perv holding me down telling me what to do."
J: "oh baby how would you like a job that pays well."
Y: " I don't know... what is it."
J: "be my full time assistant, you live with me. Accompany me everywhere. I make the rules baby."
Y: "I'll think about it baby"
J: "what has daddy gotta do to get you to work for me."

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