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(Y/N) POV:

You touched down on the capital city of Sundari. Many thoughts ran through your head. Flashbacks... good memories.As you see the rising son from the landing platform, two guards approach.

They wore full grey armor with shields, and one looked like he had a button. Their helmets covered their lower jaws were left open, and not much else was exposed.

"It's over death watch, it's two to one,"one said to you.

You merely sent them an icy visor. Under your helmet, you smirked.your sword on your back, your slugger on your left thigh under your cape, and your bow caster having off your side.

You flex your fingers in a standoff as the tension builds, a dead silence until the other gaurd, nervously, yells.

"H-he sa-said I-I-I-its o-over," he held his pistol with both arms outstretched, form all wrong.....rookie.

The other soldier cast his arm in front of his partner.

"Astrius, stay behind me. I'll take him. "

As the elder turned,his eyes could not conceive it until it was too late, you had closed the distance, making no sound, while his gaurd was down you were his doom your sword carved through the bottom of his jaw severing it from his head, before driving your broad steel through the remainder of his mouth through his head, even breaching his helmet.

You held for a second, seeing the light in his visored eyes leave him. Tearing the steel from his skull and letting him fall, his body convulsed temporarily, blood spouting from his throat and top helmet hole onto the floor.

His friend could gaze in horror and utter fear, he was in tears, smell something...silently you scoff...the boy shat himself.

He raised his pistol only for you to smack it away as he yelps. You house him over your head, faced up, like bane, and slowly walked over to the platform edge. You heard his cries and felt his wriggling in your hands as you stood over the edge.

He pleads as you break your silence and laugh, saying he is unworthy, then tossing him to his most certain doom, as you turn away your sad youd not get to hear the crunch at the bottom.

"Took you long enough (L/N). Swear to the ultimate you get off to playing with your food." Vizsla said out of nowhere.

His sudden appearance startled you, almost making you take his head off. Too bad. He turns to the rest who had already formed into their five groups of ten.

He addressed the men.

"Alright, everyone have their assignments..."

He points to group one and two

"Security and platform..."

He points to three and four

"Seal all other exits while the security team locks down the city..."

He points to the last team

"Round up the civilians and get them to safety. Remember, no killing civilians.
..however I understand accidents happen all the time. Just keep it to a minimum."

He finished.

He now looks at you and Bo standing together, her hands on her hips, her perky step. Happy as a pig in shit.

"US?" You shrug, wanting to waste no more words on that shitbag of a leader.

"We....we (Y/N)..."

He puts a hand on yours and Bo's shoulder, standing between you, taller than Bo, shorter than you with your helmet on.

"Kill Satine." He  said deadpan.

And everyone was off. Security was alerted, but the others had covered your three's entrance. You walked along a bridge near a nice garden area. No one had come until now. Five gaurds vs three trained dickheads.

You were all predictable, Bo opted to step back once, drawing to pistols and wild westing two sods through their throats. Vizsla, pussied out and used his darksaber to slash another two.

You thundered in, he raises his baton to strike you, as you raise your left arm to deflect, you grab Slugger, batting his arm away. While kicking his shield arm, no doubt dislocating the kids wrist, you grab the side of his head with your free arm.

Jam Slugger into the soft flesh of his under jaw  and pull. You heared the splat Crack as his head exploded into the back of his helmet, his once black visor now supporting multicolored stains you assume were once his eyeballs.

Blood seemed to seep from everywhere. As the boy hit the floor with a thud Bo came from behind and beamed at you.

"Wow, forgot how good those were."

You wave her off.

"Na...kid just lost his head"

She snorted once as she giggled, kind of cute. If your into that sort of thing.before you could pop off another dad joke, Vizsla chimed in.

"This isn't a date you two, we've got a job. Move."

You reach the royal chambers, the throne. At this point distant explosions and screams can be heard, the three walk up and as the two stationed gaurds flinch, you and Bo dispatched them, leaving Vizsla to March his lazy 'do nothing' ass in.

Satine POV:

It was sudden. I started my day, sat at my throne and my prime minister gave me the to do.

Largely uneventful, dispute this. Security protocol that. Schooling and public affairs. Then I took my chance.

I had tried to call my love for the first time, Obi-Wan, I miss him. I heard the communicator ring, probably voice mail again.

A child's lone scream.

Explosions and gunfire.

I spun, genuinely flabbergasted and I turn to see none other than that slime ball himself

Pre Vizsla





I slumped when I saw her, drowning out Vizslas speech, focusing on his crooks. I knew them

I suppose I should not be surprised, Bo and I never saw eye to eye. But would she...COULD she...kill her own blood...for an opinion!?

I turned to the other, and my heart truly sunk...all hope may have just died as a cloud blocked the son. Getting a better look I saw, I other mandalorian carries a Bo caster

"...what say you Satine...."

I gazed at Vizsla, honestly not scared by him, more my family. I paused as they looked at me.

Bo and (Y/N)...always had their helmets on but their visors hid nothing from me, Bo was happy to be sure...but (Y/N)...I felt my tears start their slow but continued flow.

"Hello Bo...(Y/N)'s good to see you two again."

I stood at the base of my throne, gazing past Vizsla, he's an animal. Past Bo, she's as stubborn as Vizsla, but (Y/N)... I looked sad and disappointed, I could see him look away.

Vizsla tried to speak again, in my anger I shut him down quick.he snarled at me and approached.

Bo-katan POV:

She stared at us, paying Vizsla no mind, bold one I thought. He actually stammered the second time before speaking.

"I-I said...YOUR TIME HAS--"

Little missie was usual. But what was unexpected was..


She snapped, we were all shocked her posh accent somehow made that sound way funnier than maybe intended but damn sis...

Oh man Vizsla was pissed. He approached her, theatrics aside, just dead ass pulled the dark Saber from his side and went for it.

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