Update and question

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Hi guys, I'm sorry it's been a while, also sorry this isn't a chapter, I know how annoying it can be to see an update only to find its just an update or Q&A but I promise the next chapter will be out by the end of the week, my main computer comped out on me so I've had to use my phone. 😅😅

I have a question for you all, this is still only a part time hobby for me but I'd like to do other characters to... so please let me know if there is any other star wars girl you'd want?

Also right now (Y/N) Is mandalorian, would you guys be open to other species characters, like a twi'lek or dathmerion or togruta? Let me know.

And last question, would you like more "x male readers" or would you prefer some " x male OC"?

Also yesterday was my birthday so yay me I'm 21😁🥳

Love Across The Stars (Aayla Secura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now