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Hiiii!!!!!!! WELCOME TO MY FIRST BOOK (on wattpad anyway...)Hope u enjoy it I spent a long time on the first chapter cause I tried not to write in first person (tho i rly only write in first person). -WARNING- This shit rly needs editing, soooo hopefully it's not too painful to read! And also I am probably going to do some character profiles sooo pls don't be too shocked when in the middle of the book u suddenly find the character profiles 👉👈 *awkward silence* 

Okay i'll start now...

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My father has always threatened to send me to boarding school. He had actually got really angry at me last time I'd came home with D- and had said it again, though I'd stupidly thought he was joking. I mean who threatens to send their only child thousands of miles away because they got a bad grade. Wait no let me change that 'a couple' bad grades....

Fine I've never got better then D on any test ever.

It's not exactly my fault that I have a very (very) short attention span. Well I say 'not exactly' I  mean that I never don't give in to the temptation of checking my social media when I'm supposedly studying or in class constantly talking to everyone who would listen, But for this test I had actually tried i'd listened in class for longer i'd actually studied. But being the daughter of a (very strict) businessman comes with prices, and a chance that your father is never joking .

That's why when my father called me down to 'talk' I was shocked, confused and scared by the possibly lethal look he was wearing. But for once I didn't question it, I could already see the report card he was holding. 

My Father (Robert Brighton) is a well-known businessman and as a child id been dragged to countless business meetings because of that I could see this was his 'I am furious right now and I'm about to tell you why ' face. 

So I did the reasonable thing and sat down. We sat there for a good ten minutes before he had calmed down enough to open his mouth to speak, "I thought I told you to try harder this time, Darling" he said adding a belated darling to the end making it seem like an after thought. I squirmed in his glare though, before answering with "I'm sorry Father. I really did try though...".

He sighed back, and turned to pick up another piece of paper I hadn't noticed from the coffee table beside him. He read it over before passing it over to me. I read it twice but focusing on a specific sentence.

'Mr Brighton you are required in London for 16 months from September 01 to Janua...' 

16 months!

My father was moving to London for nearly a year and a half. Thoughts began to spiral through my head: Would i be moving to London or staying here, was I expected to live alone for a year, what was my Father even doing?

Luckily my Father could see the clear panic displayed over my face and said something which concerned me more.

"Of course Amelia after this" he gestured towards the report card "You'll be going to Boarding school, Next term is in 2 weeks. Oh yes you better start packi..." I didn't here the rest of what my Father said I tuned out...

Had my Father just said that I was going to BOARDING SCHOOL?

Had he said I had literally 2 weeks to say goodbye to all my friends? My life?

Now this was a step too far.


Still two weeks later i was shipped onto a plane that was to take me across the Pacific ocean to this tiny island. I barely managed to say goodbye to anyone from school and it was infuriating, my Father had left before I'd woken up. Not even bothering to say goodbye to his only child. 

I hadn't even boarded the plane yet and I was already missing everyone: My Father, who i was still furious at, my Dog, My bestie (Katie). It made me want to cry, I wasn't going to see any of these for months.

I had seen Katie barely an hour ago (as she had driven to the airport with me to take my car back), it had been an emotional goodbye, with...a lot of tears. The plane ride took nearly 4 hours and I was drained to say the least when i got off that plane. Did I mention i have a fear of heights?

Well anyway I was drained, tired and done when I got off that deathtrap, and it didn't help that I didn't know where i was going at all did it. All I knew was the name of the weird school I was going to, not helpful is it really.

Still it was better than nothing so I did the most reasonable thing she could think of, she asked one of the taxi drivers.

"Umm...Hey do you happen to know how I can get to Edgewood High?"

The man looked at her with a slight look of fear before whispering into her ear, "Your the new Edgewood student? I feel sorry for you."

I looked back confused before saying back in a normal voice contradicting his whispered tone, "Yeah, I'm the new student. Do you mind taking me there, I can pay? And why do you feel sorry for me?"

He looked back at me with the fear clearly displayed across his face before answering. "No ma'am i'm sorry i can't take you there. Hopefully there will be a car coming soon, I'd just wait over there. I'm so sorry."

Before I could even thank him he made the sign of the cross, got into his car and sped away leaving me standing awkwardly on the sidewalk waiting for a car to take me to my new school

It took nearly an hour for the car to finally arrive, in those 45 minutes I continuously received looks from the people around me and heard whispers of words like "dangerous","Crazy" and "leave". It scared me. When the car arrived I didn't expect it, it was a literal limo! I almost completely ignored it expecting a taxi but I couldn't ignore the nervous faces of the civilians around me and looked up from my phone to see the driver walking up to me. Nervously, I checked behind me to see if there was anyone who looked rich enough to enter that limo but only saw very scared and nervous people. That means they were here for me?

The tall person stood in front of me for a few second before asking, "Are you Amelia Brighton ?"

I could only nod in reply, before standing and following the man back into the limo.

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Okay thats it for the first chapter !!!! Or part or whatever they call it on Wattpad. This is my first time writing on wattpad. 

Sorry for the crappy writing !!!!!!!

Bye Xx


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