1. Meeting, Saving and Falling for my Roommate

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Warning constant POV changes due to indecisive Author!!!!!

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After I entered the car we immediately started moving I wanted to talk to the driver but he seemed too scary so I settled on going on my phone.

That was what shocked me.

I'd lost 10K followers, in 3 hours?

I was annoyed because I knew this was all the people from school. All the people who I trusted and liked, who I thought of as my friends.

They had unfollowed me because I left. That was just cruel, I mean I hadn't done anything my Father had literally just forced me here what was I meant to do?

I kept on thinking about everyone unfollowing me the whole ride, until I realized that the car had finally stopped. I hurriedly got out as soon as I could not liking the new car smell that the limo had, then I stopped.

The school was huge, it looked like a Victorian workhouse with large windows and old ivy covered wall. We had stopped directly outside the gates (which as id like to mention also looked like something from the 1800's), I thanked the man who had driven me up here and took the chance to open the gates and walk up to the immense school alone.

I was nervous.

I guess the only lucky bit about today was that it only took a few seconds to locate the Principal's office as it was conveniently labelled 'Principal's office' with a large metal plac. When I entered I saw a large women sitting at the desk she had a cold icy stare that was unsurprisingly directed at me, she sat there for about 5 mins before she finally spoke.

"I trust you are Amelia Brighton." I just stood there without moving for a while  before she snapped at me "Sit girl and stop gawking it's rude." with a dark look afterwards.

I gulped and shut my jaw which I guess I'd unconsciously opened staring at the petite but terrifying brunette woman who was my principal. After I sat down I also noticed another human entity in the room, in the corner leaning against the wall was an emo girl who was dressed head-to-toe in black (drastically contradicting my pastel-rainbowy vibes).

 After I sat down I also noticed another human entity in the room, in the corner leaning against the wall was an emo girl who was dressed head-to-toe in black (drastically contradicting my pastel-rainbowy vibes)

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Something like this I guess

She glares knives at me (like basically everyone i'd met in the last 10 minutes). The principle talks about the school for a bit until she notices me still stealing glances at the mysterious girl, who might I add has been flipping me off every time she caught me looking at her for the past few minutes, the principle promptly introduces her.

"AHH!, I see you've seen your new roommate! Elizabeth come here and introduce yourself to her." she stops for a couple seconds before adding hesitatingly "Politely!" The principle (who by now I knew was called Ms. Drage) said in a slightly more enthusiastic voice then before whilst talking to the girl who I guessed was called Elizabeth.

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