2. Archery Club

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I'd got back late last night and by the time I was back in our room Elizabeth could have been dead (yes before you asked I did have to check if she was breathing). I looked at her again afterwards and noticed her shivering slightly I couldn't think of what to do so I took a blanket and draped it around her body. She moved slightly and snuggled up into the blanket, I think I died around 3 times. Soon I found myself dozing off upon the very, very edge of Lizzie bed my head lolling sideways into the head rest.

I awoke early that morning (surprisingly earlier than the early bird Elizabeth), and stared at her.....

Was it highly creepy staring at a girl who probably hated you?


Did you know?


Did you stop?


I continued to look at her face the way she looked half dead and her slight snore was adorable and I couldn't stop looking. Then she moved I froze for a few seconds before she sat up and stared into my eyes. No that's an understatement, she bared her eyes into the depths of my fricking soul, and smiled.

My heart actually stopped in that moment and I didn't move. Her smile was adorable paired with her bed-head and her sleepy gaze, I nearly forgot about everything and leaned in to kiss her (senseless) but trying not to alarm her stayed still as a statue. When she stopped she looked at me and skipped toward the closet not wasting a single look at me on the ground, I frowned at her.

She looked at me before going in and said "Well get ready !" I looked at her more confused,  She rolled her eyes.

"It's nearly time for breakfast?" I quickly scrambled to my feet and dashed to my side of the room for my clothes.

I was not going to miss breakfast for anything!

I scrambled towards my set of standard draws and picked up a few random clothes that I owned (I didn't have much as I pretty much wore uniform 99% of the time) I chucked on my ripped jeans and a random tank top and sat waiting for Lizzie to re-appear.

When she walked out she was wearing the basic same outfit as me but in all black because I don't think she would ever be caught dead in a purple tank top (I more like knew it). But I got the feeling she had waited for me to pick an outfit just for us to look the same, that warmed my heart a lot.

When we were ready me and Lizzie started walking down the halls, it was nearly 7:30 so basically everyone was already up for breakfast I could feel eyes on my back and it made my stomach squirm uncomfortably.

Why did it always seem like everyone was watching?

I knew I shouldn't be nervous though for some reason was. It wasn't just the feeling it was the constant feeling that made me want to hurl.

I obviously knew it was my imagination though, who would look at me? I'm just... Me!

Suddenly I grabbed her wrist, I felt something pinch me and I'd almost jumped in shock. She looked confused about why we were now moving quicker down the corridor but I was buzzing with anxiety. She looked at me again and I finally realised that I'd been holding her hand the whole time. I slowly let go and smiled sheepishly.

I'd swear I saw here frown for a few seconds.

Then suddenly the first bell for breakfast wrang giving me a lucky chance to escape her awkward glare.


Soon we'd found a quite corner from the rest of the benches and were silently eating, I couldn't tell if I was staring until she looked up.

Why did she look so at home with her tray of mountainous food, that would definitely be gone by the end of breakfast (why could it still surprise me the amount of food she ate).

I'd been staring for to long. She looked a bit concerned when she looked up again, she said something I could hear. She repeated and I finally heard

"So do you have your kit?" I probably looked confused so she replied.

"You do have target practice today, right?"

I face planted into my hand, right it was a Saturday one of the only days I couldn't do anything. Sighing I picked up my bag from the floor next to me and turned to look back at her and her suddenly empty tray (I was highly confused about where it all went but didn't ask), she gracefully bent down picking her bag up from under the table and rushed forward to grabbing my arm and rushing me towards the doors.

Why did she always have to rush? Why did she have to grab my arm? (Not that I was complaining).


I was trudging towards the changing rooms alone (Amelia having ran off before me to get her kit she had unconventionally forgotten). What really surprised me when I got there though was Amelia was standing right outside with her headphones over her ears singing, her voice was so sweet it lifted my heart instantaneously whatever I'd been thinking of before leaving my mind. She looked up at my face and a wide smile appeared, she looked so happy as she sang with a lock of hair twirled around her fingers.

She took her headphones of her ears, she looked at the ground for a split second before, looking straight at me with her sweet violet eyes tinged with emerald and hazel and some other unamed colours, "Would you like to get some coffee?" She almost whispered. Now it was becoming clear why she'd been so nervous, she'd never skipped before!

Even though Amelia had transferred at the beginning of September she unlike everyone else had never thought about skipping. She looked a bit nervous waiting for my answer whilst twisting the hem of her T-shirt around her fingers. Before I could think though I almost shouted a optimistic


She smiled back seeing that I wasn't angry about inviting her, and grabbed my wrist but this time I didn't want to run so I decided to stupidly pull her back.

Slowly, she turned on her heel and fell into my chest I moved my hand so instead of Amelia's hand being around my wrist I was holding her waist my heart fluttered for a moment before speeding up. Until I felt Amelia fall directly on top of me, she went silent. I was panicking before I realised that there was blood dripping from my scalp. It then went dark.

It was dark for just a few seconds before, suddenly I was back in Amelia arms she looked like she'd seen a ghost, it was probably just the shock but I could see how worried that she looked and her eyes were oddly glistening. She was crying.

I stood up on my feet sure that her arms were probably tired by now and grabbed her hand again, she looked at me as I slowly started pulling her back towards the Coffee shop (she'd been slowly dragging me back towards school). She moved about half a step but couldn't do any more so I ended up with her arm around my neck and her hand against my chest. I let her put nearly all her wait onto me but surprisingly she weighed nothing more then a feather even though she ate more then the average amount of food, she was like a fairy.

When we had finally reached the little Corner-coffee-shop, she let go of my shoulder and sat on one of the many booths around the cafe. I sat across from her and looked at her again, I was worried about her she'd had a panic attack because of........me, I was staring at her again and I could tell she was now uncomfortable she was fiddling with her hair she looked at me with her violet eyes and I could tell she was nervous.

To be continued...


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Pls heart and follow for more

Bye XX


Hello this is just a little bit more but I've decided that I'll update twice a week. Don't ask which day I don't know yet 😳

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