Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! Aʟʟᴜᴋᴀ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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It was easy to assume that Alluka was always safe. She was so sweet and despite the fact that she shared her body with a Dark Continent creature, she was great company. You could tell her your deepest secrets and she listened to every single one. There was no fear that she would spill them to anyone else and it felt wonderful not to be judged. Because of this most of your time was spent with the young girl. Even Killua joked that you had a stronger bond with Alluka than he did. You denied it, but it seemed that no matter what happened, Alluka was always by your side. It was comforting to see her by your side, but recently you had been longing for daylight. You adored her, but these days her presence was overbearing.

Alluka giggled as she clung to your arm, cuddling into your chest. Shifting was impossible, although she looked like a little girl her strength held you in place. She curled into you, something you had found adorable when she first did it. You knew she didn't mean for it to be as torturous as it was. She wasn't trying to hurt you in any way. And yet you hated the fact that you had to sit here, unmoving, for hours while  Alluka sang and played with your hair.

There wasn't any point in trying to move. She wouldn't even feel your force and would stay locked in place, her light blue eyes smiling up at you. You could complain, but she'd look hurt and you'd relent, resulting in her spending even more time with you. The only time you had to yourself was when Nanika wanted to spend some time with Killua. The entity had become a sense of relief for you as the girl released you from her grasp to find her brother.

You felt bad for how bitter your feelings for Alluka had grown. She only wanted to make you happy. It was clear from the flower crowns she gave you when you rested down under the trees. From the way she melted into every touch you gave her. From the way she would drag out into the garden to show you the flutters of butterfly wings. From how she gazed at every expression you made with a warmth that still surprised you. But even though she meant no harm towards you, everything she did unnerved you in some way.

The flower crowns themselves were sweet, but the shivers that ran down your spine when her nails brushed your scalp weren't. When she melted into your warmth you were unable to move, not wanting to face her pouting face of her loud wailing. You didn't want to see the butterflies, you didn't want to go help her find Killua, but there wasn't any way to escape her or surely Nanika would get involved. You had to constantly be good, as if every action was monitored. There was no way out of her presence. She was suffocating you and she didn't even know it.

"Y/N, are you alright? You look so sad." Alluka asked as her hand had moved to cup your face, concern evident in her eyes. Her fingertips traced the outline of your jaw. There was an inquisition in the way she tilted her head.

"I'm okay, Alluka. I've just been a little distracted as of late. Theres nothing's wrong, I promise." You faked a smile. "Hm...alright then!" She said gladly and nuzzled into the crook of your neck, giving a sigh of relief as she rested. You leaned back, one of the small movements you could actually do. It was interrupted by the door sliding open to reveal Killua.

"Hey Y/N how are you and Alluka doing?" Killua asked. Curiosity filled his tone and he likely wondered how Alluka was so comfortable around you so quickly.

"Yes we are both fine, just resting that's all," you answered, giving a small nod to the boy.

"Good, cause me and Gon are about to go on a super  special mission. I'll tell you what's happening on the way there," Killua lowered his voice as his eyes dipped to Alluka peacefully resting on your body "The mission is supposed to be really fun but it's going to be super risky as well, so it's alright if you don't want to come with." Killua's hushed.

"I'd love to go with you guys. C'mon let's go," you answered with a nod.

You tried to lift yourself from the floor, expecting Alluka to allow to leave but her weight encased you. You squirmed against her, but she didn't let go of your wrists. She didn't even lift her head up to address the situation, opting to trap you beneath her.

"I don't want Y/N to go!" Alluka whined as her grip tightened on your wrist, causing you to hiss in pain. "I want Y/N to stay here with me! I want to keep Y/N safe here with me!"

"Alluka, please. This is important. You have to let go of me," you said, trying to sound as patient as you could, "No! I don't want you to leave! you shouldn't go if it's going to be dangerous! Please stay here with me!" Alluka complained as she pulled you into her with an even harder grip. Her stance grew protective and you hadn't noticed earlier how her pupils grew into slits at the word danger. Her arms had coiled around your waist and her head moved from her favorite spot of your neck to glare at her big brother.

"Big brother, if you let Y/N go, then I will hate you forever and ever." Alluka growled. Causing Killua to back away in shock. He had never seen his little sister behaving so possessive before. It was like a predator protecting it's young.

"A-Alluka..." Killua stuttered, too stunned to form a coherent sentence. He looked over to you for any hope of guidance, but you were also appalled at the girls sudden behaviour.

You had seen how Alluka would glare at others in extreme situations. It was a sign of annoyance. Killua flinched, surprised that his little sister would act such away.

"Alluka," you pleaded, "do not speak to your big brother like that again. And please don't need to worry. I've been on lots of dangerous missions before, I'll be safe, I promise!" Alluka was unmoved by your words, still pouting and holding on to you with her strength. Pain bloomed in your abdomen as her grip grew suffocatingly tight.

"H-hey Alluka stop squeezing them so tight! They won't come on the mission alright?!" Killua yelled.
Alluka eased her grip and her eyes softened as they turned to you.

"M-maybe it's best if you both just stay here while me and Gon are gone, it's probably safer anyways. We'll get you guys some souvenirs," Killua mumbled dolefully as he walked back to Gon.

You had seen Alluka worry over you and she always ran to save you from the heat of danger with the help of Nanika, but she had never spoken to her big brother like that. You couldn't help but stare, shock and horror scrawled over your face like a tattoo. She giggled one again and pressed her face against your collarbone, hands running over your back before settling between the strands of your hair. You wondered if she was trying to comfort you or herself. You couldn't help but embrace her back. Despite everything, she would protect you. She would save you from peril. You could deal with the pain of entrapment in exchange for safety. "Now we have all the time in the world Y/N! Isn't that awesome?" Alluka hummed against your clavicle, giving kisses to your skin. As her ocean eyes reflected a pure intense love you wondered if maybe this life wouldn't be so bad after all.

ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ X Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now