Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! Kᴜʀᴀᴘɪᴋᴀ X Esᴄᴀᴘᴇᴅ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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A/N: in this chapter Kurapika's family are alive, so basically prior to the phantom troupe. I'm saying this cause there are some mentions of them in this chapter :)

1350 words

It wasn't that you didn't enjoy being with Kurapika. He and his family took great care of you in the Lukso Province and made sure that you felt loved and safe. More than anyone else had ever done.

But after so long, an undeniable truth did arise—you were so bored.

A person could only stay cooped up in a Province for so long. And while you did have a decent amount of entertainment, the need for something a little more exciting had taken root in your being.

So, it was how you found yourself in this predicament.

It took a lot of running to stumble upon an abandoned village a couple of miles away from the Lukso Province. Dashing through and behind the buildings, you fell down running inside a small home. There were large wooden crates, you utilising them as an opportunity for a hiding spot. To secure your position, you pulled a piece of plywood overtop of the boxes, creating a concealed little nook.

And so you waited.

You knew Kurapika had followed you here, because you only got about thirty feet away from his home before you heard him calling out to you. And while you recognized that distinct teasing in his voice, telling you that he knew you weren't seriously trying to leave him, he still managed to instill a certain enticing fear in you.

Whether you actually lost him as you entered the abandoned village, or if he was just holding back was beyond you. It didn't matter, when the door to the room you were holed up in was unceremoniously kicked open.

Shoes sounded against the concrete floor, a clear identifier to who had made their entrance. Of course, his smug voice bouncing off the walls served the same purpose.

"Come on out my sweet Y/N. I know you're in here."

You heard his footsteps delve deeper into the room. Slowly.


The deep baritone of his voice sent chills down your spine, amplified by the echo given off by the fairly empty area. "Y'know, if you wanted to play that badly, you could've just said so."

He wasn't wrong, but you had a strange desire to push the man's buttons. That, and you didn't know if he'd let you do something this risky if you asked. Still, you kept silent, a hand clamped over your mouth in an attempt to stifle any noise.

It sounded like he was pushing things to the side. Searching every crevice, the noise of wood scraping against the floor meeting your ears.

"My family is worried about you my dear...if you come out now, I'll go easy on you when we get home....maybe." Kurapika snickered to himself menacingly , knowing full well how in for it you were the second he got his hands on you.

You could tell he was getting close, the rummaging nearing your position as he swept the room for your hiding spot.

Kurapika was nothing if not dramatic at times like these.

The furniture to your right were kicked over, the brittleness in the wood causing them to crumple under the impact. The commotion earned a frightened squeak from you, and the second it escaped your lips, you knew you had lost.

"Hm, what's this?"

You didn't have to be looking at Kurapika to know that there was a demonic grin plastered across his face as his eyes glowed scarlet. The thumping of your heartbeat picked up, anticipating what was to come.

Aside from his shoes colliding with the concrete, a deafening silence overtook the room―until the low and threatening sound of his voice filled that void.

"Could it be...."

His footsteps came to a halt right next to your hiding place. The plywood was ripped from its spot.

"...a helpless little mouse?"

Your gaze shot up, and they were met with Kurapika leaning imposingly over your crumpled form on the floor. Wild scarlet coloured eyes pierced yours, holding nothing but danger.

Not a second went by before you were scrambling away, dead set on making a break for it. Or at least, that was until an arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close to him.

"Where do you think you're going, my dear?"

Your legs kicked around, unable to connect with anything while you were suspended.

It was a split second decision when you lifted your head up to capture his lips, pouring all the emotion you possibly could into the act in an attempt to appeal to whatever amount of entertainment remained in his body.

His reaction was almost immediate.

He let out a noise somewhere between a possessive growl and a hum of approval as he kissed you back harder than ever before.

From how aggressively you were squirming in Kurapika's grasp, you began to see him become more disheveled each time he let you up for air.

He had the faintest blush of pink across his cheeks, a few of the shorter strands of his hair were falling in front of his face - which would occasionally be caught in the kiss, not that he cared. He wasn't out of breath, but his breathing was heavy. He had transferred both your hands to one of his own in order to stop your squirming.

And the look on his face... The pure hunger that was there before he started was gone. He was positively ravenous now.

After what felt like an eternity, Kurapika pulled back very suddenly, the sheen of sweat that had been shared between your two bodies leaving you unexpectedly cold and confused

It wasn't until you completely caught your breath when a fit of uncontrollable giggles escaped you as he playfully spun in a circle with you in his arms.

"Noooo, let me go!"

He laughed at your demand, the taunting lilt to it making you shiver. "I'm sorry my dear but I can't. You're in big trouble after this."

In mere seconds, Kurapika had maneuvered you to be slung over his shoulder, surprising you once again with how strong he really was.

"H-hey! It's your fault for not taking me anywhere fun, I mean you could've at least taken me—"

You yelped when a hand came down on your ass to silence you, prompting you to squirm fruitlessly in his surprisingly iron-like hold.

Kurapika began heading for the exit of the abandoned home as he spoke. "We've been over this, you've got everything you need back with me in the Lukso Province." He shifted you so that he could pin your still struggling legs down before continuing. "And maybe if you weren't such an annoying brat, I'd actually be able to take you somewhere nice for a change."

You perked up at the notion—not knowing that Kurapika had ever actually considered letting you roam a little more freely. "Wait—really?"

He chuckled at your disbelief, pushing the front doors open. The cool air of the night hit your body, causing you to pull yourself closer to the heat radiating off of him.

"Yes, but before I let any of that happen, someone's gotta learn their lesson on what happens when they misbehave."

Unconsciously, you tensed at the notion, knowing his methods of reprimand would have you in for a long night. It wasn't that Kurapika would intentionally hurt you, it was just that he would take advantage of all your little weaknesses he'd come to observe. And you knew that he'd make you betray yourself in all the best ways, and somehow get you to enjoy it at the same time.

Sensing your bubbling anticipation, Kurapika satisfyingly smiled to himself. He made his way through the deserted back streets, not bothering to put you down for fear of any more shenanigans.

Your fate was determined. You'd never be able to get away from Kurapika, and really, you didn't want to.

"...Now, shall we go back home, my dear?"

ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ X Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now