Can I Tell You Something (CloseFriends!OIivia)

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Request by skyglider03: I know you prolly get a ton of these but could you do a (Y/N) x Olivia Benson. Here's kinda what I was thinking. Y/N was kidnapped for several months, sexually abused, and tortured. Y/N escapes and makes it to Olivia to tell her everything that has happened. Over the past several months. But you can add a twist or two to it. Could it not be like in lovers, but just really close friends

A/N: Guess who came back from the dead! I hope you like it and I'm so sorry it took so long.

Warnings: kidnapping, abuse, beatings, inexplicit mentions of sexual assault, flashback, arson


Tick Tock

Tick Tock

Another day...

Another beating.

Oh how you wish it would end.

"He came in drunk today," you observed as he stumbled down the dimly-lit room, his movements unsteady and erratic. He weaved back and forth, struggling to maintain his balance with each unsteady step. His arms hung limply at his sides, and his shoulders were hunched. His glazed eyes searched the room, darting back and forth as if searching for something that eluded him and finally found yours. His breath was heavy and labored as he made his way over to the corner you were hunched over in. With each step, he stumbled and swayed, his feet scraping against the pavement as he fought to stay upright. He muttered to himself, his words slurred and indecipherable, and you closed you eyes ready for whatever it was he would do to you today. Your breath came in short, ragged gasps as you tried to calm the pounding of your heart. You were so tired and weak, there was no use in fighting anymore.

You braced yourself, ready for the blow, but it never came. You heard a loud thud and opened your eyes to see his limp body on the floor.

He had passed out.

You sat there frozen as it hit you.

You could escape.

You mustered all the strength you could as you stood up. He had gotten rid of the chains long ago, you had become to weak to fight back, so now with a deep breath, you made your way upstairs your heart pounding in your chest.

You knew you had to be careful, move quickly and quietly.

You were going to be free.

That thought gave you the strength to keep going, to push through the fear and uncertainty, and to make your way towards freedom.


"We miss you! Where have you been?"

You were currently on a FaceTime call with Liv. You smiled hoping it didn't look too forced.

"I know I miss you guys too. I've been traveling. You know, just taking some time to explore the world and see new things."

Olivia looked skeptical. "Really? That's great, but it seems like a long time to be gone without a word."

You bit your lip, feeling the weight of the lie you were telling. "Yeah, I know. It's just been hard to stay in touch with everything going on you know with cell reception and all."

Olivia's expression softened. "Is everything okay, Y/N? You seem...different."

Your heart rate quickened. You weren't the best actor after all. You weren't ready to tell her.

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