New holiday

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(Truth-will the next part be wolfaley's writing

Dare-make a holiday)

Bloody squid-yes wolfaley will be writing the next part

Wolfaley-oh really ok then

Bodil666-this will not be a very long part

Bloody squid-nope it's just c

(All whisper)

Skybrine-whispers/cringe fest

Enderlox-cringe fest

Dark shadow-cringe fest

Bloody rere-Cringe fest

Bodil666-Cringe fest

Munching liver-cringe fest

Bloody squid-CRINGE FEST 2015!!

Skybrine- yea WHO LIKE MINECRAFT!!


Bloody squid-okay stop!!

Skybrine-you no like minecraft! Tyler release WHOLIKEMINECRAFT

Munching liver-you like minecraft *tackles squid to the ground* oh god sorry for this position *blushes*

Bloody squid-*blushes* it's alright

Sky brine-wait is this squidtato wait or is it squiver

Munching liver-*gets off squid* don't do that sky and squidtato is for the sane sides

Bloody squid-I'm cool with it I get ship names with people all the time

Munching liver-WHAT!?

Bloody squid-I get ship names like sqerome, squidmon and a lot others that I can't think of

Munching liver- thats bullshit I can't believe this and do they ship you and your brothers

Bloody squid-TYLER!!

Enderlox and munching liver- WHAT!?

Bloody squid-oh yea I forgot you both are Tyler but any who do not use that kind of language in this mansion

Munching liver-sorry

Bloody squid-oh yea *reads dare* I call forth all the youtubers and say I create the holiday youtubers day on June 10th and this is a message from the writer so yea I'm done so bye

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