Her party

12 2 0

(Dare-play big booty b****es at her party

Dare-play watch me (whip/nae nae))

Bloody squid-hey we are going to a party so lets go and meet my sisters dancers so here we have raging gabe

Raging gabe-hey

Bloody squid-next we have killer E

Killer E-my names Jeff

Bloody squid-no it's not

Killer E-yea it is

Bloody squid-ok but now we have insane badass E

Insane badass E-just call me IBE

Bloody squid-ok or Eddie

Insane badass-I guess

Bloody squid-and lastly we have *looks at last person* w-we h-have ummm my old friend uhh *blushes*

Killer carlos- I-I'm Carlos

Bloody squid-I uhh

Bodil666- *cough* squidlos *cough*

Bloody squid-*frezzes bodil, clears throat* I'm queen squid but u can just call me squid *shakes hand*

Killer Carlos-ok but w-we already know e-each other

Killer E-so is the limo here?

Bloody squid-yes it is and we paid for it already so let's go

(At party when every dance is done)

Bloody squid-*plays on iPod*

Killer E-hey squid wanna dance

Bloody squid-no

Killer E-come on

Bloody squid-no I can't dance

Killer E-well than dance with Carlos here *brings Carlos up*

Bloody squid-*blushes* no I told u I don't know how to dance

Killer E-okay

Killer Carlos-*sits back down*

Bloody squid- hmm *puts on moron test an sits next to Carlos* hey try to beat this game

Killer Carlos-*plays game and scoots over*

Bloody squid-did u beat it *looks at screen* what?!

Killer Carlos- y-your making m-me nervous

Bloody squid-sorry

Killer Carlos-*passes test* done

Bloody squid-ok *takes iPod back* hey Carlos can I see ur insane side

Killer Carlos-sure *turns to insane side*

Twitchy Carlos-here y-you go

Bloody squid-oh

Twitchy Carlos-so what's your creepy pasta side?

Bloody squid-this *turns into creepy pasta side*

KB Squid-my creepy pasta name is KB Squid

Killer Carlos-woah my f-friend is the most famous c-creepy pasta?!

kB Squid-I guess but *goes to DJ stand* are u ready to party?!!


DJ Squid- (plays big booty b****es)

Killer E-I got big booty bi

DJ Squid-language! (Puts on watch me wip/nae nae)

Insane Badass-now watch me wip now watch me nae nae

Killer Carlos-alright t-that's it for t-this part so wait f-for the next one so yea b-bye!!

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